To gather and provide

Fairly new, I guess you could say. I've only been here about a week. My name is Valentine, and I thought you might be one of the Kali's. If you would have had red hair I might have mistaken you for Fatin. Alarice couldn't help but have her smile widen even more, amusement even more clear in her eyes now then her in face. Having nothing really to say to that she waited patiently for Valentine to say something else, thinking over his name as she waited. If you don't mind me asking, how are you related? I don't, she replied readily. She is my older sister. I was born to the same parents a few years after her and my other siblings, along with a couple siblings of my own. She explained, remembering her brothers and parents fondly. Out of curiosity, how do you know Fatin? Alarice asked, wondering if she should inquire why he might know their last name Kali as well, but she figured it would explained in the answer to her already spoken question.


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