I just died in your arms tonight

"Fish kabobs sound wonderful." Who had thought of that name? It made a smile appear on his face every time he heard it. It was like a child’s name for a rather simplistic meal. Dierdre, however, always made it a little different each time with the herbs she kept stored in their den. Pilot, on the other hand, knew nothing about herbs. Sure, he could attempt to sprinkle some on, but the taste would be too salty or sweet. He looked forward to her freshly cooked fish – it was definitely a great change from those days when he ate self prepared salads every night.

He settled down next to her, watching her stoke the fire before preparing herself to cook their dinner. He crossed his legs like a pretzel, watching the flames lick at the wood and slowly rise in height. It would be only minutes before the fire would be hot and ready to roast their delicious dinner. "A gift? For me?" He asked then, letting his eyes travel from the flame to the girl that made his heart warm. "I’m interested to see", he replied, grinning.


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