Let me be your spark of life
[html]<style type="text/css">.february24leroy b {color:#abb291;} .february24leroy a {color:#abb291; font:9pt Georgia;} .february24leroy a:hover {color:#fff;}</style>
http://sixpop.com/files/402/february24% ... 20prof.png) bottom no-repeat #434038; color:#898883; font:9pt Georgia; line-height:1.1em; padding:1.0em; padding-bottom:21.0em; text-align:justify;">

[ooc; sorry for soo late and the shortness my computer has been acting weird]

Leroy knew he was doing more then he had ever done before, but a part of himself couldn't help it though he did let her words ring into his ears. Maybe it was because he just seen this, just heard of her injuries while she had longer time to adjust. The male didn't let the words sting as her merely held her and sat there with her in content, ears flickered at the sudden voice that emitted into his ears. Red eyes snapped up to the black wolf as his ears flickered about on his head, Leroy knew he was in trouble but yet he was unsure how to act. There was nothing he held against her, though he did have an outburst before,his arm held her as she turned in his chest burying into his fur.
A frown pulled on his face as he looked back up at black female speaking with a deep but reasonable tone, "I was concerned for, though I'm not looking for trouble..."


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