Let me be your spark of life

Cwmfen had a way of making a situation worse for her. The words that kept spewing from her mouth only pissed Svara off. She had enough of her voice and her contradicting words. "You know Cwmfen if it will make you stop talking to him like crap I'll leave. I sure as hell don't need your help feeling like crap at the moment." The she wolf grumbled her face still in the fur of her lover. She really didn't want to hear the words of the other. Did she really need to be such an ass?

"You know if your just going to Tolerate his presence then I won't stay." Svara commented her voice was irritated as she pushed on Leroy to get to her feet. Blind it was hard to get up with out feeling like she had no balance. Her legs shook and her head was pounding. "Come on Kujo lead me somewhere I won't have to listen to this crap." She said forcefully. If she had her eyes she would have given Cwmfen a deadly glare, instead she reached her hand out for Leroy expecting him to lead her out.


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