Live like you were dying

x33 I wish I still had msn; I use my sister’s computer, and it’s already MEGA slow, so I can’t download anything D: I can get AIM express, though! Do you have AIM? I made a name- jjjadedjjj And I’ll say that she’s shifted, for now. :3 And I gotta say—that Moon avatar is the coolest thing ever. I know you’ve had it for a while, but every time I see it I just love it –drooool- Mostly the eyes.

She hadn’t been doing a lot lately, mostly just going on her rounds. There was a badger that she needed to visit before the end of the day, still, but she would get to him later on. He wouldn’t go anywhere, she felt sure, because of his broken paw…so she only needed to go back to the same spot that they always met, instead of seeking him out. That was the good thing about lower animals; they were sensible enough to do what she told them to do after she helped them. Most wolves tried to work or hunt anyway, even with injuries.

Naniko was still a little thin from her weeks in her den; the coyotes had really done a number on her leg. She’d had Poe there to help her, thankfully, and her cousin had spent the night with her before going on her way in the morning. She knew enough about medicine to be able to take care of herself, and her friend Lucifer had often come by, bringing her things to eat. She’d have to go and see him soon.

The large wolf slowed her pace as she reached the borders of the pack she was visiting. She almost hoped that one of the pups would come to see her—pups were less complicated than adults. They didn’t know that they were her adopted siblings, either…that made things easier.

Just the day before she had learned about Selene, her sister that was living in Storm. Naniko really wanted the little girl to move to Clouded Tears and stay with her there…but she couldn’t make Selene do it. And if the younger wolf thought that Storm would be a better home, then Naniko could accept that. She’d visit her every day, if she could.

She sat down patiently to wait, putting her backpack onto the ground next to her. It didn’t take long for someone to appear, a wolf that she’d never met before, sitting atop a horse. She had seen a horse once or twice before, mostly the rear end, as the horses had always been traveling away from her when she had seen them…normally with a family member or pack member on their back.

”Hello!” Well, this wolf seemed friendly enough. She raised a hand to acknowledge his presence, waiting until he came a little closer to continue speaking. ”I’m sorry for intruding-I was looking for a few of my siblings”

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