She's Just Along For The Ride.
Tables by Vannah


ooc buisness
We are the Sabbath Ghosts. With a little bit of native ability and a whole lot of luck, you'll lick this "survival of the fittest" thing yet!It all depends on what team you are rooting for.
Excerpt from "Villians and Dragons RPG" Villains and Dragons RPG is played using a six-sided die, a pencil, and a copy of this character sheet. Post-Katrina New Orleans is lacking many of the grocery stores we had all come to rely on. Welcome to Grunting: The Race for Fire. Blank, mindless and with strange powers: they roamed the streets, killing everyone they met who wasn't one of them.
HUMANITY -This represents how spiritually close characters are to the ideal of Noble Humanity and how well they can resist the bestial side of their nature. Nobody's invented pastimes yet, so you sit around telling stories to one another, trying to keep warm.
To maintain a spell, you need to make a Concentrate check in the manner described as above.
"Under Samael's leadership, these fallen angels wage war against to forces of the Creator."



ooc buisness

We are the Sabbath Ghosts. With a little bit of native ability and a whole lot of luck, you'll lick this "survival of the fittest" thing yet!It all depends on what team you are rooting for.
Excerpt from "Villians and Dragons RPG" Villains and Dragons RPG is played using a six-sided die, a pencil, and a copy of this character sheet. Post-Katrina New Orleans is lacking many of the grocery stores we had all come to rely on. Welcome to Grunting: The Race for Fire. Blank, mindless and with strange powers: they roamed the streets, killing everyone they met who wasn't one of them.
HUMANITY -This represents how spiritually close characters are to the ideal of Noble Humanity and how well they can resist the bestial side of their nature. Nobody's invented pastimes yet, so you sit around telling stories to one another, trying to keep warm.
To maintain a spell, you need to make a Concentrate check in the manner described as above.
"Under Samael's leadership, these fallen angels wage war against to forces of the Creator."


Tables by James



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"And talks about blah blah blah"


ooc land. Talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk Talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk Talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk Talk talk talk talk talk talk

Hello and welcome to the 'Souls Roleplaying Guide! Chances are, you've navigated your way over here via 'Souls. This roleplaying guide is intended for 'Souls roleplayers only as most of the information you'll find here is specific to our game. So if for some reason, you're here via another roleplaying game, you might want to check with your game administrator before using this as resource.

Whether you're completely new to 'Souls or a long-time veteran, you'll find this guide very helpful for a large variety of things related to the game and roleplaying in general. You can find everything from information on creating a character to our specific type of werewolf, the Luperci, to general tips on writing. Take a look around! There's a lot of information here, so read thoroughly, but don't feel pressured to read it all at once! Additionally, don't feel as if you need to memorize everything here; this guide is here for a reason, and it's not going anywhere! You can come back at any time to reference things you're unsure of. "speech!"


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