'Souls IPB Archive (November 2007–October 2012)
She's Just Along For The Ride. - Printable Version

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- Cercelee - 06-23-2008





.001 This is Just the Way it is-Laruku

.002 Ready to Die

.003 Ashes to Ashes-Colibri

.004 I'll Be Here Forever-Colibri, Slay, Hanna

.005 Asleep in the City-Mew

.006 Sandy Shores-Slay

.007 Let it Creep In-Iskata

.008 All Together Now-Anka [UF]

.009 The Season is Arriving-pack meeting

.010 I don't think I am kidding around-pack hunt

.011 Where do you go when you're blue?-Esme Acidic

.012 Shooting Stars-Sentrosi (J)[UF]

.013 To be Young and Innocent-Red[M-S]

.014 It's Too Bad-Haku, Colibri

.015 nec spe, nec metu-Laruku

.016 As the Eagle Flies-WindSeeker (J) (Hanna, Slay)

.017 Beyond Borders- Slay [UF]

.018 I can't do this all myself- Colibri, Mew

.019 Make Me Believe-Haku

.020 Come Together-Leader Meeting[UF]

.021 her goodbye says it all-Iskata

.022 Will tomorrow know?-Slay [UF]

.023 Time and Time again-Ember, Kansas [UF]

.024 Lost in my own backyard-Firefly

.025 All the things you didn't know-pack meeting

.026 Learn Something New Everyday-Pilot

.027 Drink the Stars

.028 Walking Blindly Through Life-Hybrid, Ember[M-V]

.029 I'm not ready to back down- Ember, Naniko

.030 Just a little rest-Savina

.031 With a touch of blood, she received wings- Colibri [UF]

.032 Wandering Child-Zephyr [UF]

.033 What's a girl gotta do?-Khaden

.034 I'd rather feel pain-Ember, Khaden [UF]

.035 So Tired Of Playing Inside- Aiden [UF]

.036 Midnight show-Des[UF]

.037 Been Wonderin' When You're Comin' Home-Slay[UF]

.038 Against all odds-Khaden

.039 Life is a perception of your own reality-Ehno[UF]

.040 HomecomingQueen-Savina + pack.[UF]

.041 Back in the Game-Gaberiel

.042 Little Runaway-Firefly

.043 warrant a name-Jefferson

.044 when you're crying I try to make you laugh- Cwmfen

.044 we could throw our loyalties to the sea. - Haku

.046 All Hollow's Eve-Pack Meeting

.045 the leaves are falling all around-Slay

.047 Memories of the Past-Mew

.048 Stay away from Juliet-Ember

.049 Forever like herself-Flayra

.053 No more words-Ril'o [j]

.050 Somewhere somehow-Sankor

.051 Looking for an ending-DaVinci

.052 Monsters-Nikolai

.054 All there is, is here-Ril’o

.055 We still kill the old way-Pack hunt

.056 I don’t want to share-Slay

.057 For everthing there is a season-Hanna

.058 I will remember you-Alexey, Firefly

.059 We are all the same, in the end-Mew, Cwmfen, Firefly

.060 First Day of My Life-Slay

.061 Further Confession-Hanna

.062 Like a leaf clinging to a tree-Lubomir

.063 dreamspinners and nightwalkers-Sankor

.064 Afraid of what I'll find-Coli, Svara, Firefly[J]

.065 The lighter side-Firefly

.066 bit by bit torn apart, we never win-Firefly, Alexey

.067 That warning I hear-Cwmfen

.068 Footprints left behind-Svara

.069 We all have sins of the past-Haku[M-V]

.070 What can I do, to get me to you?-Slay

.071 Locked inside reality's maze-Kol

.072 The jester in the court-Leader meeting

.073 White on white on black-Iskata

.074 We Know Who You are-Deuce

.075 Winter Has It's Hold On Me-Shell

.076 I bed thee farewell-Flayra, Svara

.077 Like the flower we bloom with life-Pack Meeting

.078 a melody softly soaring through the atmosphere-Savina

.079 sins of the priestess-Firefly

.080 Razor Sharp-Svara

.081 hold onto, holding onto you.-Catharsis, Palindrome, Slay

.082 I’m not afraid of storms, I have learned to sail my ship-Alexey, Emwe, Firefly

.083 Give you my everything-PUPPIES[UF]

.084 Cherished dreams are never asleep-Pack thread

.085 Broken Soul Heated Mind-Svara, Cwmfen, Haku, Slay, Firefly [M-V]

.086 Underneath the skin-Conor

.087 First Lady From the Plains-Coli, Zana[UF]

.088 what will be, will be-Jefferson

.089 Deposited-Corvus, Slay, Cwmfen [UF]

.090 But I seem to need to all the time-Haku, Lillith, Cwmfen

.091 To wear the mourning cloak-Ril'o's funeral

.092Of fast and reckless blackmail-Catalyst[UF]

.093I feel everything I sow is being swept away, well I refuse to let you go-Onus

.094Butterfly in the wind-Palindrome[UF]

.095Ethnology and bibliography-Cwmfen

.096Let the Hurricane set in Motion-Slay

.097Mommy's little monster-Princess[D]

.098And we all come tumbling down-Hanna

.099I run this bitch!-Haku

.100Left hook, you've got dead aim-Toyko

.101Wake to Morning-Slay

.102Close your eyes-Haku

.013 Is this it?


- Cercelee - 06-23-2008

Tables by Tammi.


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... 4w6s2b.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 500px; border: 1px solid #000; background-color: #000;">

      Cercelee had not noticed the approaching female in her frenzied search, and it was not until that the younger wolf was quite close that Cercelee froze, sensing another’s presence. At this point Cercelee had her two front limb half way down the current hole she was working on, and she stopped in mid-dig, the only parts of her body that moved were her ears which tried to spin in the directions of the other’s footsteps and her nose that twitched, trying to recognize a scent. All at once the ivory colored female burst into motion, spinning quickly, half jumping, to face the other direction, and the female that was approaching her. She landed, facing the newcomer, with a soft thud in the same that sent the soft sand up in the air in little puffs about her feet.

      Cercelee wagged her tail, much like an over excited Labrador would, and had to restrain herself from play bowing at the stranger. The year and a half female knew how she appeared, wet sand sticking to her fur, acting like a fool on this beach. She was an adult for one, and a leader of a rapidly growing pack for another, how was it that she found the time or will to act this way? And what did the soot colored female before her think? If Cercelee even cared what she thought, because Cercelee found that often, if others thought her too odd or childish she normally forgot their opinion as soon as it was spoken. Life was too short to try to constantly please others. Speaking in a warm, musical voice, Cercelee was hopeful that the other only had kind words to say back to her. "Hello there, lovely day isn’t it?" Cer laughed lightly and glanced up at the overcast sky, the clouds colored a thick, ugly gray as they hung low and heavy with rain.

Table by Tammi!


http://i30.tinypic.com/124c39x.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 500px; border: 1px solid #fff; outline: 1px solid #9C9C9C; background-color: #286ABD;">
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae leo eget dui imperdiet egestas.

It's a luscious mix of words and tricks

      In porttitor, odio nec volutpat semper, turpis est blandit nisl, at dapibus justo arcu a urna. Aliquam luctus scelerisque lectus. Aliquam tortor. Morbi at metus. Sed sit amet ligula. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris magna. In eleifend nunc eu lorem. Nullam luctus fringilla mi. Phasellus arcu leo, faucibus ac, posuere ac, pulvinar quis, massa. In eget erat ac leo aliquam ultricies. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur vulputate urna in sem. Nunc viverra, sapien in luctus aliquet, orci ipsum pharetra augue, et auctor est augue a eros. In sed lacus. Mauris eget quam nec lorem elementum vestibulum. In massa. “Mauris eget purus. Suspendisse potenti.” Quisque quam. Praesent sed lorem a nulla euismod convallis. Integer non turpis ut nulla viverra bibendum. Mauris bibendum, quam ullamcorper eleifend porta, massa dolor adipiscing lorem, vitae tristique nibh urna at quam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In ac velit dictum dolor ullamcorper tempor. Quisque rutrum. Pellentesque dolor ipsum, viverra et, congue egestas, vehicula convallis, lorem.

      Integer ut massa ut ipsum consequat tincidunt. Nam ac augue vel est venenatis sagittis. Vivamus porta sodales sapien. Nulla gravida. Sed ut ligula. Maecenas gravida diam sit amet justo. Praesent ante. Sed iaculis, est non porttitor tristique, nisi enim aliquam mi, ultrices fermentum dui purus non purus. Duis id massa sed nisl pulvinar mattis. Vestibulum feugiat feugiat est. Suspendisse ac tortor. Vivamus faucibus ipsum in erat. Aenean ac ante. Donec consequat lacus sed pede. Praesent rutrum dictum metus. Suspendisse potenti. Cras facilisis eleifend metus. Suspendisse potenti. Ut mattis, neque vitae molestie fermentum, mi dui semper lectus, euismod rutrum mauris felis interdum nisi.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla purus. Mauris vehicula augue condimentum neque. Donec et tortor quis neque hendrerit lobortis. Donec id turpis a nibh interdum aliquam. Mauris vel orci sed felis vulputate commodo. Sed nec mauris quis sem ultrices blandit. Vestibulum a orci. Mauris nec erat feugiat massa condimentum suscipit. Aenean lacinia nunc nec neque ultrices ornare. Aliquam id diam.

      Vestibulum metus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse vitae est. Etiam rhoncus, eros at euismod lacinia, nisi augue viverra nibh, in cursus mi quam et libero. Curabitur turpis nisl, bibendum dictum, euismod sed, lacinia eget, urna. Sed non neque iaculis metus rhoncus lobortis. Integer lacus massa, rhoncus non, iaculis quis, consequat at, dolor. Vestibulum sed metus. Ut ut augue vel sapien elementum posuere. Morbi ac nibh et diam ornare sagittis. Sed erat. Nulla sit amet nisi. Fusce volutpat, metus in facilisis rutrum, tellus nulla blandit tortor, sed semper urna nulla nec risus. Mauris dapibus, nunc in sodales rutrum, est magna tempor enim, eget luctus leo sem et lectus. Nunc congue arcu et pede. Curabitur ut elit et nulla lacinia pulvinar. Nulla pretium, nibh non elementum fringilla, velit leo dapibus justo, ut ultricies lacus tortor nec erat.

Table by Tammi!


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... 81dgnc.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 493px; border: 1px solid #fff; background-color: #086DAC;">
     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae leo eget dui imperdiet egestas.

She's got colors to spare and i don't care what they choose
     In porttitor, odio nec volutpat semper, turpis est blandit nisl, at dapibus justo arcu a urna. Aliquam luctus scelerisque lectus. Aliquam tortor. Morbi at metus. Sed sit amet ligula. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris magna. In eleifend nunc eu lorem. Nullam luctus fringilla mi. Phasellus arcu leo, faucibus ac, posuere ac, pulvinar quis, massa. In eget erat ac leo aliquam ultricies. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur vulputate urna in sem. Nunc viverra, sapien in luctus aliquet, orci ipsum pharetra augue, et auctor est augue a eros. In sed lacus. Mauris eget quam nec lorem elementum vestibulum. In massa. "Mauris eget purus. Suspendisse potenti." Quisque quam. Praesent sed lorem a nulla euismod convallis. Integer non turpis ut nulla viverra bibendum. Mauris bibendum, quam ullamcorper eleifend porta, massa dolor adipiscing lorem, vitae tristique nibh urna at quam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In ac velit dictum dolor ullamcorper tempor. Quisque rutrum. Pellentesque dolor ipsum, viverra et, congue egestas, vehicula convallis, lorem.

     Integer ut massa ut ipsum consequat tincidunt. Nam ac augue vel est venenatis sagittis. Vivamus porta sodales sapien. Nulla gravida. Sed ut ligula. Maecenas gravida diam sit amet justo. Praesent ante. Sed iaculis, est non porttitor tristique, nisi enim aliquam mi, ultrices fermentum dui purus non purus. Duis id massa sed nisl pulvinar mattis. Vestibulum feugiat feugiat est. Suspendisse ac tortor. Vivamus faucibus ipsum in erat. Aenean ac ante. Donec consequat lacus sed pede. Praesent rutrum dictum metus. Suspendisse potenti. Cras facilisis eleifend metus. Suspendisse potenti. Ut mattis, neque vitae molestie fermentum, mi dui semper lectus, euismod rutrum mauris felis interdum nisi.
Table by Tammi!


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... dkli0i.png); background-position:bottom; background-repeat: repeat-y; width: 533px;">
She's looking for birds she met last fall
     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae leo eget dui imperdiet egestas.

Who said they would come back different than all
     In porttitor, odio nec volutpat semper, turpis est blandit nisl, at dapibus justo arcu a urna. Aliquam luctus scelerisque lectus. Aliquam tortor. Morbi at metus. Sed sit amet ligula. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris magna. In eleifend nunc eu lorem. Nullam luctus fringilla mi. Phasellus arcu leo, faucibus ac, posuere ac, pulvinar quis, massa. In eget erat ac leo aliquam ultricies. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur vulputate urna in sem. Nunc viverra, sapien in luctus aliquet, orci ipsum pharetra augue, et auctor est augue a eros. In sed lacus. Mauris eget quam nec lorem elementum vestibulum. In massa. "Mauris eget purus. Suspendisse potenti." Quisque quam. Praesent sed lorem a nulla euismod convallis. Integer non turpis ut nulla viverra bibendum. Mauris bibendum, quam ullamcorper eleifend porta, massa dolor adipiscing lorem, vitae tristique nibh urna at quam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In ac velit dictum dolor ullamcorper tempor. Quisque rutrum. Pellentesque dolor ipsum, viverra et, congue egestas, vehicula convallis, lorem.

     Integer ut massa ut ipsum consequat tincidunt. Nam ac augue vel est venenatis sagittis. Vivamus porta sodales sapien. Nulla gravida. Sed ut ligula. Maecenas gravida diam sit amet justo. Praesent ante. Sed iaculis, est non porttitor tristique, nisi enim aliquam mi, ultrices fermentum dui purus non purus. Duis id massa sed nisl pulvinar mattis. Vestibulum feugiat feugiat est. Suspendisse ac tortor. Vivamus faucibus ipsum in erat. Aenean ac ante. Donec consequat lacus sed pede. Praesent rutrum dictum metus. Suspendisse potenti. Cras facilisis eleifend metus. Suspendisse potenti. Ut mattis, neque vitae molestie fermentum, mi dui semper lectus, euismod rutrum mauris felis interdum nisi.
Table by Tammi!



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... 0rvhgy.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 486px; border: 1px solid #000; background-color: #090238;">
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae leo eget dui imperdiet egestas.

      In porttitor, odio nec volutpat semper, turpis est blandit nisl, at dapibus justo arcu a urna. Aliquam luctus scelerisque lectus. Aliquam tortor. Morbi at metus. Sed sit amet ligula. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris magna. In eleifend nunc eu lorem. Nullam luctus fringilla mi. Phasellus arcu leo, faucibus ac, posuere ac, pulvinar quis, massa. In eget erat ac leo aliquam ultricies. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur vulputate urna in sem. Nunc viverra, sapien in luctus aliquet, orci ipsum pharetra augue, et auctor est augue a eros. In sed lacus. Mauris eget quam nec lorem elementum vestibulum. In massa. “Mauris eget purus. Suspendisse potenti.” Quisque quam. Praesent sed lorem a nulla euismod convallis. Integer non turpis ut nulla viverra bibendum. Mauris bibendum, quam ullamcorper eleifend porta, massa dolor adipiscing lorem, vitae tristique nibh urna at quam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In ac velit dictum dolor ullamcorper tempor. Quisque rutrum. Pellentesque dolor ipsum, viverra et, congue egestas, vehicula convallis, lorem.

      Integer ut massa ut ipsum consequat tincidunt. Nam ac augue vel est venenatis sagittis. Vivamus porta sodales sapien. Nulla gravida. Sed ut ligula. Maecenas gravida diam sit amet justo. Praesent ante. Sed iaculis, est non porttitor tristique, nisi enim aliquam mi, ultrices fermentum dui purus non purus. Duis id massa sed nisl pulvinar mattis. Vestibulum feugiat feugiat est. Suspendisse ac tortor. Vivamus faucibus ipsum in erat. Aenean ac ante. Donec consequat lacus sed pede. Praesent rutrum dictum metus. Suspendisse potenti. Cras facilisis eleifend metus. Suspendisse potenti. Ut mattis, neque vitae molestie fermentum, mi dui semper lectus, euismod rutrum mauris felis interdum nisi.

Table by Tammi!


- Cercelee - 03-24-2009

Tables by Iskata


Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque. Donec consequat quam. Ut leo massa, dictum non, placerat eu, faucibus a, nunc. Duis auctor, nulla in egestas varius, dui leo feugiat est, interdum interdum tortor lorem eget velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam ipsum nunc, vulputate nec, nonummy euismod, tempus a, mauris. Fusce rhoncus, metus ac facilisis suscipit, nisi lorem interdum mi, ac tempor lacus sem eget augue. Nunc faucibus magna eget dui. Suspendisse diam. Aliquam aliquam consectetuer pede. Suspendisse sodales, mauris ut ultricies fermentum, sapien risus interdum pede, quis mattis lacus turpis a velit. Duis tortor. Donec sit amet odio id arcu pulvinar facilisis. Phasellus mi. Sed ac mauris eget ipsum fringilla lacinia. Nunc fringilla adipiscing urna.


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Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. Cercelee is the new Ceres. "And speaks"



Where Kristina shows her love to us

Where Cercelee doesn't give a shit

She had given up going exploring again after the disaster of exploring the human city here. Shaking her head she sat crosslegged on the large stone slab outside of the vineyards. She'd decided that she really liked the building and the secrets it held in it's musty deeps. The girl with the soft irish drawl was bent over a book of poetry and art as she was enjoying the wine she'd snatched from the basement. Humming to herself as she put the book down and raised her eyes to gaze at the clouds rolling in. The scent on the air and the thunder soft in the distance was the obvious sign that the storm was moving in but the bronze beauty didn't have a care in the world. A little rain never hurt anyone, atleast the rain didn't.

Throwing her arms behind her as she sat enjoying the last of the sun's rays before the storm devoured the flame flickering orb above. Shaking her bangs out of her eyes she flicked her ears back as she felt the wind begin to whip across her pelt. Smiling to herself she ran her tongue across her teeth after another sip of the wine. She could be classy when she wanted, but the snobby upperclass games weren't as fun as the ones she enjoyed playing with the boys. The girls, now that was another story, though she hadn't felt the need or want to travel down that path.. yet.

Chuckling as she flicked her tongue out again, rasping across her nose she drew the bottle up to watch the crimson liquid within tilt back and forth with the slightest move of a wrist. Gracefully dropping the bottle back to the slab she cocked her head to the side and watched the leaves begin to turn up as the winds whipped across the vineyard. The rumbling threat of the approaching was telling her to find shelter but the fiery spirited youth wanted nothing to do with orders.. atleast not yet.




Cers does crap here.



Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque.
Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur
pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque.



Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque.

Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque.



Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque.

Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque.


- Cercelee - 03-24-2009

Tables by Mew

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... hurch5.jpg);background-position:top-left;background-repeat:no-repeat;" cellspacing="1">

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nisi elit, vestibulum eget, pretium sit amet, eleifend a, arcu. Nulla rutrum est vitae dolor. Proin dui neque, pharetra non, fringilla in, ullamcorper vel, nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur interdum. Fusce consectetur elit. Curabitur porttitor dolor non nunc. Cras tellus nisl, vulputate in, cursus id, elementum sit amet, nisl. Curabitur sed est. Maecenas luctus ultricies urna. Nulla eu nibh. Praesent eget justo vel purus ullamcorper iaculis. Donec nec arcu sit amet nisl imperdiet molestie. Donec orci lorem, fermentum eu, pellentesque nec, consequat ac, mauris. Donec et risus. Proin fermentum. Suspendisse eu mi. Nulla iaculis cursus dolor. Sed id est.

In tincidunt dui. Nam dolor elit, convallis id, aliquam in, euismod non, diam. Vestibulum quis tortor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam aliquet, velit non tristique consectetur, velit metus lacinia nibh, non porta est felis vitae lectus. Morbi feugiat. Vivamus lorem diam, placerat at, malesuada eget, elementum id, sapien. Donec tempus mollis nulla. Praesent feugiat nisi a eros. Sed nulla.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean pharetra suscipit dui. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec lectus. Mauris tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus tristique sagittis purus. Maecenas massa purus, porttitor ut, pellentesque vel, posuere at, velit. Pellentesque eget dui. Donec eleifend, erat id ultrices congue, dolor lorem gravida risus, ut cursus leo augue varius ipsum. Vestibulum nec diam vel purus faucibus feugiat. Donec euismod, diam nec fringilla adipiscing, est nisi egestas nibh, in hendrerit quam massa sit amet nisi. Phasellus consectetur velit non lectus. Etiam euismod, nisl eu cursus dignissim, arcu nisi pharetra diam, quis viverra felis orci vel tellus. Mauris eros mi, sagittis ut, adipiscing at, dictum sit amet, turpis. Aliquam eros. Etiam quam. Vestibulum dignissim orci ut pede. Morbi et justo.



Cercelee was not one to feel guilt at not caring back, no matter how much one cared for her. And she was not hurt when she cared for someone and they did not care back. It was just the way the world spun or the ball bounced and she had no control over any of that. What happened, happened, and Cer would just accept what came at her. She couldn’t force herself to care, so why feel bad about something that should be, but was not? However, that did not mean that she couldn’t change her ways. One day, she might grow to love her family as family, and perhaps the words Iskata had spoken at her would ring true, but for now that was a distant possibility. And at the moment she was more apt to take Laruku’s word and think about them, than she was Iskata. Iskata had been but a stranger to her, family maybe, but a stranger all the same. Laruku had taken her in when her father had abandoned her and her whole world had come crashing down. That counted for much more, despite them both being family, and Iskata’s blood being even closer than Laruku’s. Still, though she would consider his words with more weight than she had Iskata’s, that did not mean she would agree to them.

Did she even share the same flaws as any of them? Cercelee didn’t know them well enough to know what their shared genetics had given her and the rest of her family. The only family she had even been compared to was Ceres, whom she had not met and meant nothing to her, and Laruku, which had been Iskata’s opinion and did not count for much in Cer’s mind. Did her and Mew have anything in common, as they were also cousins? Or perhaps her and Haku? And if she shared anything with Haku was it because they were family or because he had also helped to raise her? Maybe she was doing herself a disservice not getting to know the many relative that ran about. Or maybe those whom she had shared anything with had died long ago with her mother, and she wouldn’t ever see them again except for when she slept. They had been her family, and they were the ones she longed for at times, her brothers.

The subject was officially changed, at least in Cercelee’s mind, to her grandfather. The bit of information that came from Laruku surprised her, although it probably shouldn’t have. Daituki died for his son. Which explained her brother’s name. Adrastos had named her for Ceres, whom had given him life, and Tuki for Daituki, whom had given her another chance at life. She wondered if Tuki had lived if anyone would look at him and compare him to their grandfather, and if he would resent it as much as she resented being compared to their grandmother. “He sounds like he was a good person, do you know anything else about him?” Cercelee knew that Laruku didn’t much care for this line of conversation, questions about dead family, and it was one they often landed on not having much else in common, but Cercelee had no one else to ask, and who knew when she’d see Laruku next to ask him.


You want to make this a shorter thread and make a new Slay/Cer hunting thread that we talked about in the Windseeker thread, or do you want two Slay/Cer threads going on... or you want to keep this going and just wait for a pack thread oooor... XD I don’t want to overwhelm you with too many threads! I must remember that not everyone has as much free time as I.

Cercelee flicked her ears at Slay’s comment. The female did not like the idea of telling Slay to do anything, although as Rosea she knew that she had that power over him, over the whole pack. Perhaps she was not suited to be Rosea, or perhaps she would just do the job a little differently. There would be times, she knew, when she had to tell others what to do, and probably times when she would have to enforce that, but she hoped that commands and force would never be used with Slay.
How about I ask you, and you do it for me? Asking was so much better than telling.

The male jumped up so quickly, Cercelee jerked her body back. But a smile spread on his lips. Following suit, Cercelee rose and shook her fur out, free from the sand that clung to her pelt. All at once Cercelee let the seriousness slip away, and she was back, once again. Just Cercelee, with her friend Slay.
So I’ve found the wrong beach, eh? She sniffed the air and looked sideways at the two-toned male. Yup, even smells wrong. Although, we haven’t search the whole beach, I mean, maybe we haven’t given it a far shot? Or should we go looking for other beaches? Cercelee glanced to the sunflower patch again, the oranges, reds, and yellows standing out brilliantly as the sun came even closer to setting. It would have been nice had this been the right beach, but perhaps the next beach would be even better.



I pray to you

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nisi elit, vestibulum eget, pretium sit amet, eleifend a, arcu. Nulla rutrum est vitae dolor. Proin dui neque, pharetra non, fringilla in, ullamcorper vel, nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur interdum. Fusce consectetur elit. Curabitur porttitor dolor non nunc. Cras tellus nisl, vulputate in, cursus id, elementum sit amet, nisl. Curabitur sed est. Maecenas luctus ultricies urna. Nulla eu nibh. Praesent eget justo vel purus ullamcorper iaculis. Donec nec arcu sit amet nisl imperdiet molestie. Donec orci lorem, fermentum eu, pellentesque nec, consequat ac, mauris. Donec et risus. Proin fermentum. Suspendisse eu mi. Nulla iaculis cursus dolor. Sed id est.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean pharetra suscipit dui. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec lectus. Mauris tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus tristique sagittis purus. Maecenas massa purus, porttitor ut, pellentesque vel, posuere at, velit. Pellentesque eget dui. Donec eleifend, erat id ultrices congue, dolor lorem gravida risus, ut cursus leo augue varius ipsum. Vestibulum nec diam vel purus faucibus feugiat. Donec euismod, diam nec fringilla adipiscing, est nisi egestas nibh, in hendrerit quam massa sit amet nisi. Phasellus consectetur velit non lectus. Etiam euismod, nisl eu cursus dignissim, arcu nisi pharetra diam, quis viverra felis orci vel tellus. Mauris eros mi, sagittis ut, adipiscing at, dictum sit amet, turpis. Aliquam eros. Etiam quam. Vestibulum dignissim orci ut pede. Morbi et justo.

In tincidunt dui. Nam dolor elit, convallis id, aliquam in, euismod non, diam. Vestibulum quis tortor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam aliquet, velit non tristique consectetur, velit metus lacinia nibh, non porta est felis vitae lectus. Morbi feugiat. Vivamus lorem diam, placerat at, malesuada eget, elementum id, sapien. Donec tempus mollis nulla. Praesent feugiat nisi a eros. Sed nulla.

Though I don't know who you are

- Cercelee - 03-24-2009

Tables by Vannah


ooc buisness
We are the Sabbath Ghosts. With a little bit of native ability and a whole lot of luck, you'll lick this "survival of the fittest" thing yet!It all depends on what team you are rooting for.
Excerpt from "Villians and Dragons RPG" Villains and Dragons RPG is played using a six-sided die, a pencil, and a copy of this character sheet. Post-Katrina New Orleans is lacking many of the grocery stores we had all come to rely on. Welcome to Grunting: The Race for Fire. Blank, mindless and with strange powers: they roamed the streets, killing everyone they met who wasn't one of them.
HUMANITY -This represents how spiritually close characters are to the ideal of Noble Humanity and how well they can resist the bestial side of their nature. Nobody's invented pastimes yet, so you sit around telling stories to one another, trying to keep warm.
To maintain a spell, you need to make a Concentrate check in the manner described as above.
"Under Samael's leadership, these fallen angels wage war against to forces of the Creator."



ooc buisness

We are the Sabbath Ghosts. With a little bit of native ability and a whole lot of luck, you'll lick this "survival of the fittest" thing yet!It all depends on what team you are rooting for.
Excerpt from "Villians and Dragons RPG" Villains and Dragons RPG is played using a six-sided die, a pencil, and a copy of this character sheet. Post-Katrina New Orleans is lacking many of the grocery stores we had all come to rely on. Welcome to Grunting: The Race for Fire. Blank, mindless and with strange powers: they roamed the streets, killing everyone they met who wasn't one of them.
HUMANITY -This represents how spiritually close characters are to the ideal of Noble Humanity and how well they can resist the bestial side of their nature. Nobody's invented pastimes yet, so you sit around telling stories to one another, trying to keep warm.
To maintain a spell, you need to make a Concentrate check in the manner described as above.
"Under Samael's leadership, these fallen angels wage war against to forces of the Creator."


Tables by James



ic ic ic ic ic ic Cercelee runs around ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic Cercelee runs around ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic Cercelee runs around ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic Cercelee runs around ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic Cercelee runs around ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic Cercelee runs around ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic Cercelee runs around ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic Cercelee runs around ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic Cercelee runs around ic ic ic ic ic ic ic ic

"And talks about blah blah blah"


ooc land. Talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk Talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk Talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk Talk talk talk talk talk talk

Hello and welcome to the 'Souls Roleplaying Guide! Chances are, you've navigated your way over here via 'Souls. This roleplaying guide is intended for 'Souls roleplayers only as most of the information you'll find here is specific to our game. So if for some reason, you're here via another roleplaying game, you might want to check with your game administrator before using this as resource.

Whether you're completely new to 'Souls or a long-time veteran, you'll find this guide very helpful for a large variety of things related to the game and roleplaying in general. You can find everything from information on creating a character to our specific type of werewolf, the Luperci, to general tips on writing. Take a look around! There's a lot of information here, so read thoroughly, but don't feel pressured to read it all at once! Additionally, don't feel as if you need to memorize everything here; this guide is here for a reason, and it's not going anywhere! You can come back at any time to reference things you're unsure of. "speech!"


- Cercelee - 03-24-2009

Tables by Hana


Cercelee listened to the names given, trying to find a spot in her brain to store this information. Naniko, Conri, and Lucifer, all Twilight Vale. Cercelee knew that there were at least two other packs that had formed in the lands, though she hadn’t met any members and couldn’t think of the name of either pack. One she knew was made up of wolves that upheld luperci traditions and stayed shifted most of the time, but the other pack she had no idea of. Shifting her eyes to Haku, Cer wondered if he knew any one from the other packs, but it was not important. It seems some leaders are missing? What are the names of the other packs? Cercelee spoke out loud to no one in particular, and while she didn’t like admitting her ignorance to a group of leaders, it was better to learn than to go on in ignorance. She kept to herself far too much than fitted a leader.

Talk and learn and see what was going on with everyone. It was a sensible plan, but Cercelee didn’t know how much mere talking would aid her. It would be nice to learn about Inferni’s standing with the other packs, but if the other packs had no issue with Inferni than Dahlia de Mai was back at square one. I don’t suppose any of you have been having trouble with Inferni? It was truly the only thing that was going on with them that was worth sharing. Any other doings in her small pack, though growing in size it was, was minuscule compared to their problems with Inferni. Cercelee was just glad that the leaders of Inferni had not been invited to this shindig, and if they had, well then they hadn’t showed up.


Tables by Anka


[ooc] -- i thought you'd be there.

holding daisies, counting stars. -- [bic]

Cercelee smiled at the male, it was hard not to. Although he had used the flirtatious nic-names with Colibri and probably ever other female he crossed paths with, the warm words were nice to hear. Comforting as if they had been friends for a long while, and even if they weren’t sincere, and Cercelee didn’t care if they were or not, they made her feel worthy of attention. It was silly, but that did not matter, as most activities that Cercelee took part in could be considered silly. What she did alone, these childlike contests she was engaging with Slay, many of her conversations. Yet if she was content with them, what did it matter what others thought? Cercelee splashed a bit of water, so little that it fell short of actually hitting Slay, in protest of his victory, although she had after all known who was the winner before either of them had plunged below the surface.

Perking her ears, Cercelee looked quizzically at Slay. Did she swim often? For a moment Cercelee couldn’t think of whether to say yes or no. Certainly she was not a stranger to water, but she had never thought of herself as a swimmer, or even that she particularly liked swimming. Right now she liked swimming, but would she tomorrow? Well, I swim when I feel like it I suppose. Not a lot but not a little either. It was a simple explanation, but wasn’t that how she did everything. Living only in the present, thinking only of what would be perfect at that very moment? Life was too short to live any other way. Noting the yawn, Cercelee smiled at the male, unsure if he’d taken her next question as rude, but why not ask. She had been wondering since that day, as she knew next to nothing about Slay, and nothing about Hanna or Colibri really either. Perhaps not the best way to start a pack. How... or rather why, did you fall asleep so suddenly, the other day?


Tables by Umbra


Threads to be made.

blah blah blah blah

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... bottom.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 400px; height: 200px;" align=right>


Table by Anna

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... 10v2ly.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." Duis nec sem a odio dignissim vestibulum. Donec congue. Nunc cursus, magna vel placerat tempus, orci tortor tincidunt arcu, eget elementum sapien elit non ipsum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam venenatis orci a diam. Phasellus a magna ut risus consequat congue. "Nam ultrices feugiat libero." Curabitur luctus ligula nec leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut egestas risus non metus.

"Mauris orci nunc, tincidunt sit amet, pellentesque ut, tempor at, neque." Curabitur massa tellus, venenatis at, dapibus ac, interdum vitae, elit. Donec ut leo non tortor gravida porta. Donec laoreet. Cras leo dui, rutrum sed, faucibus vitae, pulvinar id, purus. Pellentesque porttitor massa in magna. Nam nec urna. Morbi purus. Etiam ac mi. Maecenas sed urna at enim dictum consequat. Curabitur dignissim. Vivamus justo. Nulla sit amet velit. Pellentesque aliquet nisi in mi. Integer varius tortor et dui. Praesent sed odio. In consequat hendrerit dolor. "Fusce in arcu. Sed iaculis urna et nibh." Vestibulum mi sapien, egestas sit amet, lobortis ut, ultrices quis, lacus.


- Cercelee - 03-24-2009

Tables by Svara


αυτό είναι ένας πίνακας. το χρησιμοποιούμε για να γράψουμε. αυτό είναι ένας πίνακας. το χρησιμοποιούμε για να γράψουμε. αυτό είναι ένας πίνακας. το χρησιμοποιούμε για να γράψουμε. αυτό είναι ένας πίνακας. το χρησιμοποιούμε για να γράψουμε. αυτό είναι ένας πίνακας. το χρησιμοποιούμε για να γράψουμε. αυτό είναι ένας πίνακας. το χρησιμοποιούμε για να γράψουμε. αυτό είναι ένας πίνακας. το χρησιμοποιούμε για να γράψουμε. αυτό είναι ένας πίνακας. το χρησιμοποιούμε για να γράψουμε. αυτό είναι ένας πίνακας. το χρησιμοποιούμε για να γράψουμε. αυτό είναι ένας πίνακας. το χρησιμοποιούμε για να γράψουμε.



She had left the den around the time the sun was rising, just enough time to get away. At this point she just wanted to be able to walk by herself. The scent of trees and life was strong in her nose, making the red she wolf notice how much her sense of smell had strengthened. Though darkness was all that she could see before her, the image in her mind was painted with those strong scents and loud noises. The she wolf walked slowly so not to run into a trunk and bash her useful nose in.

Finally she found a clearing, the only way she knew it was a clearing was because her tail had stop brushing against trees and the wind was stronger not blocked by obstacles. A lot of emotions filled her but the worst was the sense of being weak. She wanted her mother to suffer for this, at least to share equal pain. Svara didn't care for the women in anyway and still wished her dead. For the first time in her life she threw back her head and howled. Mommy's little girl was going to tell the wicked truth.



She she wolf stood there alone in the clearing. It set fear in her not to be able to see. The sounds of the simplest things made her cringe. What would she do if a predator was out here? Svara was sure one day she might be able to protect herself again, but now she felt bare and defenseless. The scent of the she wolf came to her nose, but it didn't tell her where the rosea was coming from. The moment she felt the white female crash into her. Svara fell and was confused for a second hearing the apologizing words until they were stopped and harsher deductions were spewed out.

Why was it that the Rosea thought she was playing at something? It angered her to think her leader was so dense. Before she could respond the voice of Hanna rose in the morning air making the red she wolf flatten her ears at the concerning voice. She didn't want pity, hated it to be truthful. "Because my eyes are useless and quit ugly so I thought to do you all a favor and cover them up." She said not in an angry tone, but a husky sarcastic one. Taking her paw behind her head she caught the knot of the red cloth and pushed it over her ears. The soft sigh of the material falling to the ground made her know that these wolves would see her mothers handy work. Though she could see shadows out of one of her eyes it caused a raging head ache to force its way into her skull. "Guess I got what you all wanted huh?"


Table By Ril'o





skdjfkaja;fjd fksdjfsdjfklajdkadjfk;ladjflkadjfkasdjfkladfjalkdsfjasdklfjasdfjasdf skldjflkasdjfaskldfj;asdkfj


Table by Cwmfen

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... bottom.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Fusce egestas diam non lacus. Praesent velit nibh, pellentesque facilisis, hendrerit id, imperdiet id, mi. Curabitur pretium placerat felis. In sollicitudin neque. Donec consequat quam. Ut leo massa, dictum non, placerat eu, faucibus a, nunc. Duis auctor, nulla in egestas varius, dui leo feugiat est, interdum interdum tortor lorem eget velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; “Nullam ipsum nunc, vulputate nec, nonummy euismod, tempus a, mauris.” Fusce rhoncus, metus ac facilisis suscipit, nisi lorem interdum mi, ac tempor lacus sem eget augue. Nunc faucibus magna eget dui. Suspendisse diam. Aliquam aliquam consectetuer pede. Suspendisse sodales, mauris ut ultricies fermentum, sapien risus interdum pede, quis mattis lacus turpis a velit. Duis tortor. Donec sit amet odio id arcu pulvinar facilisis. Phasellus mi. Sed ac mauris eget ipsum fringilla lacinia. Nunc fringilla adipiscing urna.


- Cercelee - 06-16-2009

Tables by Hemming


out of character goes here

....When on board H.M.S. Beagle, as naturalist, I was much struck with certain facts in the distribution of the inhabitants of South America, and in the geological relations of the present to the past inhabitants of that continent. These facts seemed to me to throw some light on the origin of species — that mystery of mysteries, as it has been called by one of our greatest philosophers.

....On my return home, it occurred to me, in 1837, that something might perhaps be made out on this question by patiently accumulating and reflecting on all sorts of facts which could possibly have any bearing on it. After five years' work I allowed myself to speculate on the subject, and drew up some short notes; these I enlarged in 1844 into a sketch of the conclusions, which then seemed to me probable: from that period to the present day I have steadily pursued the same object. I hope that I may be excused for entering on these personal details, as I give them to show that I have not been hasty in coming to a decision.

....My work is now nearly finished; but as it will take me two or three more years to complete it, and as my health is far from strong, "I have been urged to publish this Abstract." I have more especially been induced to do this, as Mr Wallace, who is now studying the natural history of the Malay archipelago, has arrived at almost exactly the same general conclusions that I have on the origin of species. Last year he sent to me a memoir on this subject, with a request that I would forward it to Sir Charles Lyell, who sent it to the Linnean Society, and it is published in the third volume of the journal of that Society. Sir C. Lyell and Dr Hooker, who both knew of my work — the latter having read my sketch of 1844 — honoured me by thinking it advisable to publish, with Mr Wallace's excellent memoir, some brief extracts from my manuscripts.


Table By Anu


Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco

laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
