She's Just Along For The Ride.
Tables by Hana


Cercelee listened to the names given, trying to find a spot in her brain to store this information. Naniko, Conri, and Lucifer, all Twilight Vale. Cercelee knew that there were at least two other packs that had formed in the lands, though she hadn’t met any members and couldn’t think of the name of either pack. One she knew was made up of wolves that upheld luperci traditions and stayed shifted most of the time, but the other pack she had no idea of. Shifting her eyes to Haku, Cer wondered if he knew any one from the other packs, but it was not important. It seems some leaders are missing? What are the names of the other packs? Cercelee spoke out loud to no one in particular, and while she didn’t like admitting her ignorance to a group of leaders, it was better to learn than to go on in ignorance. She kept to herself far too much than fitted a leader.

Talk and learn and see what was going on with everyone. It was a sensible plan, but Cercelee didn’t know how much mere talking would aid her. It would be nice to learn about Inferni’s standing with the other packs, but if the other packs had no issue with Inferni than Dahlia de Mai was back at square one. I don’t suppose any of you have been having trouble with Inferni? It was truly the only thing that was going on with them that was worth sharing. Any other doings in her small pack, though growing in size it was, was minuscule compared to their problems with Inferni. Cercelee was just glad that the leaders of Inferni had not been invited to this shindig, and if they had, well then they hadn’t showed up.


Tables by Anka


[ooc] -- i thought you'd be there.

holding daisies, counting stars. -- [bic]

Cercelee smiled at the male, it was hard not to. Although he had used the flirtatious nic-names with Colibri and probably ever other female he crossed paths with, the warm words were nice to hear. Comforting as if they had been friends for a long while, and even if they weren’t sincere, and Cercelee didn’t care if they were or not, they made her feel worthy of attention. It was silly, but that did not matter, as most activities that Cercelee took part in could be considered silly. What she did alone, these childlike contests she was engaging with Slay, many of her conversations. Yet if she was content with them, what did it matter what others thought? Cercelee splashed a bit of water, so little that it fell short of actually hitting Slay, in protest of his victory, although she had after all known who was the winner before either of them had plunged below the surface.

Perking her ears, Cercelee looked quizzically at Slay. Did she swim often? For a moment Cercelee couldn’t think of whether to say yes or no. Certainly she was not a stranger to water, but she had never thought of herself as a swimmer, or even that she particularly liked swimming. Right now she liked swimming, but would she tomorrow? Well, I swim when I feel like it I suppose. Not a lot but not a little either. It was a simple explanation, but wasn’t that how she did everything. Living only in the present, thinking only of what would be perfect at that very moment? Life was too short to live any other way. Noting the yawn, Cercelee smiled at the male, unsure if he’d taken her next question as rude, but why not ask. She had been wondering since that day, as she knew next to nothing about Slay, and nothing about Hanna or Colibri really either. Perhaps not the best way to start a pack. How... or rather why, did you fall asleep so suddenly, the other day?


Tables by Umbra


Threads to be made.

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Table by Anna

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"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." Duis nec sem a odio dignissim vestibulum. Donec congue. Nunc cursus, magna vel placerat tempus, orci tortor tincidunt arcu, eget elementum sapien elit non ipsum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam venenatis orci a diam. Phasellus a magna ut risus consequat congue. "Nam ultrices feugiat libero." Curabitur luctus ligula nec leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut egestas risus non metus.

"Mauris orci nunc, tincidunt sit amet, pellentesque ut, tempor at, neque." Curabitur massa tellus, venenatis at, dapibus ac, interdum vitae, elit. Donec ut leo non tortor gravida porta. Donec laoreet. Cras leo dui, rutrum sed, faucibus vitae, pulvinar id, purus. Pellentesque porttitor massa in magna. Nam nec urna. Morbi purus. Etiam ac mi. Maecenas sed urna at enim dictum consequat. Curabitur dignissim. Vivamus justo. Nulla sit amet velit. Pellentesque aliquet nisi in mi. Integer varius tortor et dui. Praesent sed odio. In consequat hendrerit dolor. "Fusce in arcu. Sed iaculis urna et nibh." Vestibulum mi sapien, egestas sit amet, lobortis ut, ultrices quis, lacus.


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