hold onto, holding onto you.
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[WC: 300]

Catharsis struggled with the words. English was confusing; her mother had spoken it sometimes, especially when reading, but she usually translated most things to German. But the pup had known that Ceres was dead, just not the weight of the statement. As she processed this, a different name was given her: Cercelee. It sounded similar. Maybe names changed a little when someone came back from the dead? The pup didn't understand, but she figured out that Cercelee was the name of the female, and nodded. "You are.. Cercelee. I am Catharsis. My name is Catharsis de Sadira." The German was softer from the throat of a puppy, a female one at that, and it wasn't too different from English. She tried to say it in English anyhow. "Name Catharsis de Sadira..." She knew it was wrong, but at least she had tried.

The next question came too soon. Mother.. that word, she knew. Mutter, mother, very similar. Was she asking where Mama was? Or who she was? That was her best guess. The pup spluttered as fast as she could. "Where is Mama? Her name is Anka. Anka de Sadira. She is black with red eyes. Did you see her? Is she here?" Pausing, she realized that German really was getting her nowhere. She tried English, wearily. "Mother Anka de Sadira. See mother? Mama go? Red black is. Mama here?" The girl felt tired.. English was so hard to speak. She could understand it, sort of, but she didn't think she was making sense. Nothing was making sense. Where was her mother? The girl glanced at her siblings with her one good eye. Should she wake them? She was scared. Slowly, she sunk down to the ground and whimpered helplessly, hoping Cercelee had an answer for all of this confusion.



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