Don't want to lose what i loved about you
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Just give me anything, she had said. As if it could be that simple. But in reality, Anu was asking for the world. Or at least, that was how Geneva felt. When they were together, it was as if they had unlocked a door to a hidden world where even gravity had a new meaning. Couldn't she feel it? Even the air felt different in her lungs when she was around Anu. Even breathing had a new meaning.

A rock and a hard place had become all too familiar to the gray female. Lime green eyes swept the length of Anu's tawny fur up to her face. Her face was dry of the ocean of tears evident in her voice. The sorrow of her tone drowned Geneva as effectively as water in her lungs. She found herself floundering internally, although her expression remained, hard and cold as stone.

She had asked herself a thousand times how she could possibly find a way to make this work, to make them work. And time after time, she had always come up empty handed. She felt like she was standing at the edge of a vast ocean, hopelessly chasing answers that hid beyond a distant horizon. Truth dwelt on a distant shore she had never seen, and likely never would. Everything seemed so impossible, so without hope although those blue eyes shone like a beacon of light in her darkest days.

How long could she keep this up? She wasn't sure. Her hands were trembling now, hands balled into all-too familiar fists. She swallowed the lead lump in her throat as she leveled her eyes with Anu's. She felt the ebb and tide, the push and pull, the twisting in her heart.

And, before she could lose the nerve, her hands shot out to either side of Anu's face and she pulled her forward, caging her in mysterious strength. Her mouth was twisted in a grimace, somewhere between a smile and a look of pain. "This is what you want?" she asked, her voice hard with the edge of humorless laughter.

And she jerked Anu's face down to her own, pressing her mouth to hers with barely contained ferocity.

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