Everything is backwards


Alexey had spent quite some time wondering how she’d react upon retrieving Dahlia’s youngest members. It definitely wasn’t an easy thing to predict; all depended on the circumstances she was presented with. They were already three months old now. Oh, how time flew! How much had they grown during their absence? The children had more than likely developed their own personality by now, so which one was the little rebel? Had they already forgotten about their birth pack? Endless questions paired with unfounded insecurities were driving the caregiver on the verge of insanity.

Extensive research led her to Phoenix Valley once again. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust DaVinci’s flair but it had dawned on her sometime after their conversation that she actually knew the pups, and he didn’t. It wouldn't hurt if she took a guided tour of the pack lands, right? However, Alexey didn’t even have time to call for the sub leader; a scent all too familiar caught her attention before she could do so. Conor; it was him. There was no doubt about it. No hesitation was given before stepping over the border and venturing into forbidden territory. Rules and regulations meant nothing to her now. Not when it came to rescuing children that belonged to Dahlia de Mai.

Conor’s trail, growing fainter by the second, led her to a little cabin. Where one puppy’s smell seemed to fade, the other one’s became more imposing. What the hell was going on? Although Emwe and Conor weren’t her own children, Alexey became as dangerous as an enraged mother. Her upper lip was already curled into a nasty snarl; a blunt warning to whoever felt like opposing her. Her attempt at using the door knob was futile, so she went for plan B. “Open the damn door, you bastard!” she screamed, promptly clenching her right hand into a fist and taking a swing at the wooden door.

Where the tawny woman found the strength to actually put a dent into the wood was a mystery. But she did. And she didn’t plan on stopping.


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