Let me be your spark of life
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His red eyes narrowed dangerously as something snapped within him, something that he had put aside for the majority of the their meetings as he listened with a dangerous Silence. Looking at the red female he did adore he was a bit foolish to think otherwise of her, in all reality she was still a growing pup, a pup that didn't know what they wanted while in a mind knew what he wanted. Leroy had put his anger, his selfish temperament under him as he ignored it but he sees now he only enjoyed the simplicity of her yet the complected. Everything in the air changed, his dark hard shield closed around him as he stared down at her, even the air around him seemed cold as his lips moved into almost a growl as she spoke. A small anger rolled up within him, a bit at her and most at himself for this waste of time and blood.

watching her turn away Leroy's strong hand went straight out grabbing her arm roughly, not enough to really hurt but to make sure she wouldn't move,Leroy didn't care if she felt mad at him but he pulled her back slightly as he own cold growl emitted from in between his teeth. "Your still a pup, a growing unknowing pup!" The rough harsh words were unlike any he has spoken before as he growled with each 'pup'."Svara you bring who every anger you want, it just seems that's how you needed up now, no sight healing in this den with your eyes bandage. Go get your anger CHILD! I've seemed to wasted my time, when you look for me make sure you know what your wanting..." His voice rose in his strong sounds of growls as he roughly let go with a push before turning on his feet headed out of the packlands, there was no need here anymore as she didn't know what she wanted and he was tired to sitting at this pup's feet. His black and white body walked away from the den as his ears remained flattened on his skull.


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