Chasing trouble

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Let me show you the wonders of life

He followed her, to her amazement. So concentrated was she on ruling out the possibility of others that Hanna didn't realize he was coming up behind her swiftly. His mouth closed around her tail with a slight click but she barely flinched before he'd come on around her and stopped just ahead. She drew to a halt in front of him, nearly nose to nose, studying the leathery surface cross-eyed till he'd finished speaking. He was wearing thin on her patience; she was near to the point of just walking off and if Haku ripped him to ribbons, so be it.

She couldn't bring herself to do it, though, and so she simply sighed and stated facts as clearly as she could. "Listen closely, please. We can debate over shifting till three days from now, but not here. Neither of us are welcome here, and I used to belong to this pack. I need to get home and gather my stuff and get the hell out. You need to get the hell out, whether you go your own way or you come with me. I'd be happy to stay with you, but we're both in trouble if we don't move now.

Here she slid around him, brushing against him unintentionally as she passed to continue her way south. I realize it's my fault we're here, or else I'd have left you to wander around here till my nephew found you instead of tracking you down myself. I put you into this mess, I'll get you out, even if it means my own chewing out. Now please, move !"


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