hold onto, holding onto you.

Sorry for the delay. Holidays+life=busy. [WC: 348]

___ Slay's explanation made vague sense, but not really. "Hunt. Kill.. slay.. to eat? Rabbit?" He had said that he didn't kill worlves, but food. Rabbits were food. If he was telling the truth, then he would know what she was talking about. She whispered to Palindrome, "Slay says he doesn't kill wolves. Just food. Like Mama did for us. That means he's good, I think." She wasn't entirely sure about that last statement, but she had to comfort her brother somehow. "And Cercelee is Ceres, and you know Mama said that Ceres was good. So she's good. That makes sense, right?" The question was to gain reassurance that her logic was sound - Palindrome would agree, and she would feel better. She was as unsure as he was. She would just have to become sure.

___ Cercelee spoke, a question. "Tired," she restated, and punctuated it with a yawn. Yes, she was tired. But where to sleep? Catharsis considered the options, and glanced at her sleeping siblings. After a long moment, she proclaimed, "Three here. We too." she nodded, then whispered to Palindrome, "We'll stay here with them. I don't wanna wake them up again. 'Kay?" She knew, at this point, that her brother would do anything she said, so long as she said something. She'd never seen Palindrome so afraid, and truthfully, she was afraid too. Very, very afraid. This was all so new, and confusing. And even if Ceres and Slay Slay - that was, Cercelee and Slay - were good, she was still afraid. What about Mama? She must be coming back. She had to believe that.

___ Gently, she nudged her brother towards their other siblings, and curled herself close to them. "I'll sleep on this side, and you sleep on that side. When they wake up, they'll be scared. We'll need to protect them. Explain what's happened. Okay, Pal?" She glanced at Cercelee and Slay for a moment. "You tired? Sleep?" she asked drowsily, yawning softly as she did. It was far past her bedtime, but she had to stay awake, just a little longer.

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