one is the loneliest number
Sankor was more than amused with the discovery of wine and he knew that there were a million other things he'd like to try but something was holding him back. Being a normal average everyday wolf kept his curiosity at bay this long but there was one thing that Sankor hadn't admitted to anyone, he was jealous of his Luperci companions. He sat atop one of the hills in the woods and stared down towards the villages that one could barely see in the distance. Now that spring was coming he knew the leaves on the trees would soon block the view of what little was left of the human world.

The two-toned male was contemplating heading off to his little sanctuary for the evening but he was even too restless to be alone with his thoughts. Normally nothing really got to the male but the idea of being a lonely old everyday wolf finally was hitting home. Even his two siblings were luperci now and that enough made him feel like an outsider inside his own home. He didn't know when Dahlia de Mai had actually become home but he knew that it was now and there was nothing that was going to change that. He just shook his head and moved on down the hillside towards the villages below.

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