when flying feels like falling

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!! out of character.

the public don’t dwell on my transmission

He returned with a nod in reference to the weather. It was getting better, warmer, more pleasant, which meant better weather for him to experiment in his various doings. Offhandedly Giggle noticed the absence of whom he had assumed was her daughter at the pack meeting. A pretty young girl. They could very well have been cousins, or sisters, or anything really, and so he pushed it out of his mind for now. She was eyeing his hearing phone things, and then introducing herself. The young coyote took her hand and shook it lightly. 'Nice to meet you, Ryan. I'm Giggle Dracon.' Gone was the uncomfortable look that accompanied his name. He was getting used to the fact that for some reason, canines here didn't seem to mock him cruelly for it.

Gig noted she was another de le Poer, thusly related to Gabriel, Corona and Talitha. Would anyone from Inferni he met not be related to the massive Lykoi/de le Poer family? It seemed the pack was based around the intermarriages of these two families. He tried to imagine another bloodline in charge and, failing that, returned his attention to Ryan. 'Do you live in the mansion, too?'


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