She wants to be like the water

indent No coyote was large enough to kill deer alone. Gabriel, though, was more wolf then anything else. He took after his father in size, and while the de le Poer line had produced less the perfect specimens, Gabriel’s size was taken from the same gene pool as his grandfathers. The only thing that truly displayed the fact he was not a wolf were his markings, and the build of his head. Both of these were oddities, but they were things that marked him apart from the wolves. For that, he was grateful.

indent The blood was all consuming, filling his senses. Meat and the wanted organs, chock full of vitamins, were swallowed bite after bite. It was not until the girl spoke that he was aware of her presence. At first, his reaction was a deep growl, a warning: this was his food. Only then did he see who it was, drawing his head up, and snorted blood from his nose. “Yeah?”


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