Everything is backwards
http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/7228 ... bottom.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

The whimpers and scratching from the floor boards were unmistakable as a puppy in distress. With his cover blown, Lysander freely chose a few choice words to swear under his breath as he moved in between the women and the moving floor board. “ Go back to sleep Oliver!” His voice boomed with authority, his eyes glared down at the women. No way was she of all people going to take his pup from him. He had worked hard keeping them alive, feeding them, playing with them, protecting them... all that hard work for what? Some looney lady to come and sweep him away? And so soon after losing Conor? It was not fair and he would not go down without a fight.

“Get out of my house now.” He took a threatening step towards her, his lips slowly uncovering the pearly fangs. Shifted, his claws were longer and sharper than normal, and his was bigger, that was an advantage, but he didn’t really want to hurt her. Not if he didn’t have to. And certainly not in front of the boy. He would never want Emwe thinking badly of him, not in a million years.


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