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Zana moved back and forth under Haku's form as she spoke. The silence that followed made the puppy slightly nervous as she didn't know what it meant. Peeking her head out from under his large form she asked. "You still alive?" and yet still no response came. She sat back on her haunches and sighed. Perhaps he was just broken she thought, but within second words once more filtered from the savior who seemed to also want to be her demise.

She glanced up, her ears pricked forward as his words didn't make sense to her. Frowning she blurted out quickly. "I don't live with monsters!" Her little lavender eyes glowering at the stupid male above her. She'd taken a step forward and almost suddenly it seemed the whole world was crashing down. Actually it was only the wolf's fat ass that was trying to squash her, but for one so small it seemed like the world was falling.

Letting out a cry as she tried to get out from under the male she was only partly successful as his heavy body had her hindlegs pinned as she growled from under his fat belly and yelled shrilly at the male. "Heys Heys! Getorf me yous fatso!" Why in the world did he sit on her! What had she done. This fellow was so rude..

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