betting on the dice i'm tossing
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She was so hungry! Addison rolled over and over again in the grass, sending grasshoppers flying in every direction. She had tried eating the insects earlier in the day, to see if they would make a good meal, but they'd shot disgusting brown stuff out into her mouth when she had bitten down on them. Gross! She didn't want to eat something if it would put a bad taste in her mouth. She'd never tasted something so horrible. She was becoming more of a picky eater as she got older; by now Addison had tried many different kinds of meat and she was learning what she liked and what she didn't like.

A howl made her roll quickly back up onto her white feet, head turning in several different directions. Where was the howl coming from? She knew it was Jeff, from the sound of it and the authority that it commanded, but she couldn't tell where it was coming from. She began to run in the direction that she thought it had come from, searching. "Jeff?" Blue and green eyes looked all around until she saw it, spots of brown fur through the trees. Both Jefferson and Davinci were both there! But what for, she wondered. The four-month-old looked at them quizically. "Can I come?" He must have called them there for a reason! Maybe not a meeting, but something just as interesting.


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