sweet little Words of Therapy

thanks for joining Smile soon I'll have threads with all your characters

New grass hit her chest. The broken tree line had thinned, and Anu was sent flying through the open air of the sun filled meadow. Birds danced and fluttered into the blue sky, startled by her quiet but sudden approach. Their black bodies swarmed the sky, wings grasping the light breeze and retreating towards the clouds. Anu cut through them, cobalt eyes looking past the flock and into the distance.

It was voice that broke her stride, her own pounding heart beat filling her ears and distracting her from his following paw steps. Even with his words, she didn’t falter in her steps, though they broke her concentration and made her aware of her surrounding. It wasn’t until she realized that she was indeed in Dahlia de Mai lands that her pace slowed. Her breath was painless and as calm as if her had been standing still all this time, though her heart raced. Stopping bluntly Anu turned towards him, finding that the male was following her at his top speed.


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