betting on the dice i'm tossing
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I might as well join =P

Green-hued eyes gazed off into space as a tan and cream hued she-wolf sprawled out in the ray of sunlight that filtered through the thick trees. She had her normal wolf appearance; her thick coat, in addition to the warmth of the sun, kept her quite comfortable. She was pleased that the snow had finally started disappearing; nasty stuff it was. Her eyelids drooped as she began to doze, right when her stomach growled. She gave a short sigh; she hadn't eaten since a couple days before and she figured she was due to go hunting again some-time soon. She was just about to push herself up off the warm brown earth when she heard a long, unwavering howl sound from somewhere to her left. "Jefferson," she muttered to herself, then added dryly, "What timing you have."

She leaped up and shook her coat, trying to rid it of any leaves or small twigs that would have gotten ensnared, momentarily mourning the loss of her nap in the sun. She vowed to return after Jefferson was finished whatever he wanted to finish as she started loping towards the source of the sound. It then occurred to her that she'd never really met Jefferson; since she'd joined Phoenix Valley she'd really only met a few of her packmates, which was rather unusual for Ms. Extrovert. She chose to keep to herself for a bit, just until she was a little bit familiarized with the territory. Her two white-tipped paws hit the ground in perfect timing with her other two paws until she slowed herself down to a graceful two-beat trot. She slowed to a walk as she entered the small clearing, her eyes glancing around to see who was present. DaVinci, she saw, her vision instantly picking out his steel gray fur. She smiled then as she saw her little friend, Addison, as well as a rather handsome black male and a gimp; that must be Jeff, she thought to herself.

She wandered a bit closer to the small crowd, sitting a couple feet away, flicking her golden-hued ears back as she sat in silence, waiting for Jefferson to announce what he wanted.


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