She wants to be like the water

indent He ate wolfishly, swallowing chunks of meat as he went, reveling in the feel of blood on his face. Even though, he listened to Empusa talk, and was aware of her presence clearly now. It was instinctual, and while that same instinct was viciously demanding he stop eating until she was gone, there was an overpowering need for nourishment. Only when she fell silent did he halt his consumption, lifting his head just slightly from the carcass. “It’s easier with a group,” he said shortly, pausing to lick his muzzle. “I used to live alone, so I learned how to kill on my own.”
indent And each time he hunted alone, it took energy and effort. Often, he was not successful. But winter, the great beast it was, winter slowed and weakened his targets. “What I did was simple—locked down on the highest point of the throat.” With this technique, the blood spray was directed more often then not to his chest. This was not to say he wasn’t covered in blood—to the contrary, his face and upper torso were nearly soaked through. Shrugging lightly, he sunk his teeth into a chunk of skin and ripped it back, diving into the muscle.


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