
schwarzWith his less than pleasant experience with the ocean waters the other day, one would think Roulette wouldn’t be too keen on exploring near the harbor so soon. This was actually true, he didn’t want anything to do with the rolling tides or screaming gulls, at least not until he forgot about what it felt like to almost drown. Drown. That’s not a word the pup would have used to describe the experience, he actually had no clue that he might have died had Slayer not been there to rescue him. But the overall fact was, it was an experience he didn’t want to have… ever again. So returning to the ocean’s edge the next day was furthest from his mind when he awoke that morning. What brought him there now was the scent of his sister.

schwarzPicking out Avarice’s scent was hard in their new home sometimes. There were so many different and strange scents that it was hard to decipher what was what. He still didn’t have names for everything he smelled. It was even harder to track her when she was playing along the shore, her scent lost in the salty breeze. Somehow he still managed to find her, his russet tail waving like a flag in the breeze as soon as his aquamarine eyes set on her… only to droop along with his ears as he heard her yell. He wanted to go home too.

schwarzTrotting over to his litter mate, Roulette took the place by her side and plopped his rump down on the moist sand. “Mama will come back for us soon, right, Avarice?” He was seeking reassurance from his sister, his hoping was dwindling despite having believed this for longer than maybe his other siblings had. Adults talked in hushed tones around them sometimes and he listened. They were wrong, though. Their mother loved them. She would come back.

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