betting on the dice i'm tossing
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Jefferson was planning on spectating as well--Honore can hang out with him. Tongue

The one-eyed leader was pleasantly surprised to see response to his calling, despite the fact that its tone had been directed to be optional or an invitation. Quite a few faces appeared, a couple of which he did not recognize but was delighted to finally be given an opportunity to meet. He was in particularly good spirits that day, despite some recent endeavors he did not think fond of in the least, but perhaps it really was the good weather. He hated winter, after all, and the first signs of spring always cheered up the foul beast. Unsurprisingly, his subleader was the first to appear, and even more unsurprisingly, greeted him with something sarcastic but characteristic of the silver-furred idiot. "Damn, you're here?" Jefferson smirked, pointing a precocious green eye at his friend. It had been some time since they talked; after his recent clash with Gabriel, the Patriarch was beginning to think it was about time they did.

Before he could mention it, however, more faces rapidly entered his view. He hesitated lightly at Addison's question, pouted some overprotective parent's judgmental scowl, and shrugged his shoulders. "Sure, Add. You just make sure you listen to what everyone tells you so you don't get hurt or in the way." He forced some sort of awkward smile, more to reassure himself than anyone else. Jefferson was pleased to see Vukasin appear, considering the boy had been a member for only a short while but was just as willing to appear and partake in activities. The following two members that appear went unrecognized, but like Vukasin, were offered a pleasant nod of greeting before the Patriarch finally spoke. "So there's a couple of you here I'm not sure I know," he said, passing a skeptical eye to DaVinci before continuing. "I'm Jefferson, if you don't already know. Now that the weather's been well, I was thinking it was about time for some... recreation. How about a hunt?" Why was he in such a good mood, anyway? Surely DaVinci and Addison would be on his back about it later.

He considered them all under a cautious eye a moment, then nodded his head in confidence of his decisions. "Since neither of our hunters are here, DaVinci will lead you bunch. Addison will be tagging along, too... She's still learning to hunt, so take care of her. I'll be standing by, but I'll jump in if you need me." He smirked, purposely forgetting to mention that he would have been a burden in trying to help, then turned his eye to his subleader. "Care to take over?"


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