Chasing trouble
I had to pp Hiei a little bit, sorry. He just knocked him over.

He went straight up into her face. Bi-coloured eyes stared straight into his, but he was almost blind to who she was. A trespasser was nothing but a trespasser. She seemed to be in the middle of shifting. Good, this would be easier than expected. Not that the crazed male had expected anything. He just wanted to feel alive. His teeth hit and raked her muzzle. His tongue swept over his own fangs quickly, tasting the first drops of blood. God, he hoped there would be more of it. The blood was sweet like nectar. He needed more. His face twisted around to the other man and lunged in his direction. His aunt’s words broke through to him, and he turned back at her. A chance to explain, was it? The man snorted at her words and bared his teeth. He went over to the female and aimed a half hearted kick directed at her side.

”You should have thought about that before you crossed the borders with your fellow stray.” His glance shifted in the direction of the other male, keeping an eye on his position so that he could not be surprised. He circled the female. He had no exact plan for what he wanted to happen, but she had to learn a lesson. She knew the pack rules, yet she ignored them, and that was not something he would let pass without consequences.


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