
welcome to Crimson Dreams :]

There was so much to be done, cleaning, gardening, patrolling. Anu felt in charge of all of it, though she obviously wasn’t. Since Savina’s pup had been born Anu had tried to take on more of the tasks that the leaders shared. Though she knew that she had missed a few things here and there, she still felt the weight of more responsibility.

Four paws took her through the manor door, down the porch and through the wooden gate. She knew there were things to do, but could decide what to do first. The garden called her name, but she kept her nose pointed away from its direction. Such things could wait, the security of the boarders would not.

Nose down Anu ventured away from the home and followed a wind ridden scent. Something different and male ventured to her snout and made her tail curl over her back in concern. Blue eyes saw the white figure, coat crossed with the dark hue of scars. Nothing in his scent or posture proclaimed danger, but the small fey was weary. Stopping with good distance between them Anu spoke, Can I help you?


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