sweet little Words of Therapy

Her smile was a thin line across her maw; having caught her breath quickly Anu was able to breath with only her black nose. It was nice that he seemed so friendly, and that thought eased her mind. She was concerned for some reason, a hidden thought and feeling of which she didn’t understand it origin. But it remained in the back of her head, and her reason for being in his homelands was growing somewhat clear. Well, kind of. It was still covered by the blurred memories from her drunken episode.

Anu let her smile turn to a smirk as she responded to his flirtation claim. Are we all that bad? I hope none of my pack mates have made trouble here. Anu was sure that there was nothing much to discuss about the two packs relationship, knowing that everything had been addressed by the higher ups. He was not who she sought, but in the end he was a much better substitute then someone that might be unhappy that another Crimson member was padded thoughtlessly across their boarder.

I’m sure that’s it, your charming. The older female complimented as she watched him. Blue eyes looked him over and found what she saw disappointing. Of course in his defense she was clearly sober, and with her sharp mind she was truly herself. And as much as he might try, he would not satisfy her.


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