Broken Soul Heated Mind

The female was back. Cercelee had caught the scent but by the time the female had already made her way into the pack lands. Unconsciously the hair along her spine and the back of her neck rose, her pace increased and a low growl grew in her throat. Tracking the female was easy, she moved slower due to lack of sight, one had to move with care if they could not see where they went. Sneaking up behind her was easy as well, the wind was in her favor and blew Cer’s scent away from Svara. Loping up and blocking her path was easy too, Cercelee wasted no time.

You need to leave. You are trespassing.Her voice was not angry oe harsh, but firm and factual. Haku had informed her of the girl’s removal, and Cercelee admitted to herself she felt sorrow and relief. Mostly relief. The female had proved to be a lost cause, claimed loyalty to the pack one moment and admitting defeat to Haku the next. But she had brought on Haku’s anger and Cercelee knew that for once, Haku’s reaction was not exaggerated; Cercelee would have perhaps done the same. The women’s white body blocked the path, Svara would go no further.


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