Alone amidst the waves
ooc- yay for thread crashing..


Firefly knew that the time was coming for her to give up on finding her children in the pack away from their father's house long enough to say her goodbye. She'd spent so much time roaming near his house and keeping an eye out for the boys that the days just drug by and nothing was coming of her life. For once she actually felt useless and she wanted to get rid of that feeling as fast as she could. She had promised Svara and Leroy that she would come join them as soon as she'd had the chance to see her children off. Now as the days went by she was faced with the disheartening idea of leaving without saying goodbye. She sighed and figured that just maybe it was better thatway. The sooner they forgot about her the quicker their lives could take on more stability.

She had been traveling along the Shattered Coast towards Halifax. She wasn't actually planning on going into the city but bypass it and find DaVinci. She owed him an apology atleast for what had happened within his packlands. She had thought that Lysander had told him but it was obvious that he hadn't now. Perhaps it was better that he hadn't know but she still felt she owed him something, he had basically raised her after all.

The woman had rounded a sand dune and within her sights now was two forms down near the surf. The flash of the slate blue fur caught her attention and though she didn't know the second figure she called out as she quickened her approach. "DaVinci!" The closer she got to the pair the more it became apparent that she had named the figure wrong. The only two souls she'd know with that tone of fur had been her brother and his daughter.

Realizing the figure to be more feminine than male she corrected herself, hoping she was right the second time atleast. "Skylar?" She didn't actually know the girl, just her name from passing conversations with DaVinci. She'd been too busy herself in Dahlia de Mai when his own offspring had been haunting the lands. She pulled up short of the pair and waited, not knowing if she was exactly welcome or wanted.

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