sweet little Words of Therapy
His smile seemed to be returned, it wasn't much of a smile but it was still there. The rich hued male grinned as he got a response from the woman. He was happy that she wasn't going to run again, he didn't mind running, but it was so much easier to figure out just what was going on when the company stood still. He studied the woman with soft caring eyes as he questioned. "So what brought you this far from home?" He was rather curious about the Crimson Dreams packmember, he seemed to find it funny that his conversations with members from that pack tended to involve running down the packmember at one point or another.

The smirk that came with the questions of the tease he'd thrown at her made him chuckle as he shrugged and shot back. "You tell me.." He smiled as he shook his head and explained lightly. "No, no trouble at all, atleast.. I haven't been able to prove it yet.." he said as he raised a brow, the lingering mock threat in the air between them showing just how little he knew of the tense standing between the two packs because of reckless packmembers ignoring the borders.

When she granted him with the compliment Sankor straightened up and bit and gave a cool collected smirk as he cockily said. "Why thank you. You're quite charming yourself little lady." Why in the world the male got himself in such silly situations all the time was beyond him. He really sometimes had the maturity of a teenager, but in the end it wasn't always a bad thing. Too bad he didn't know his flirting was wasted on the pretty little thing from Crimson Dreams.

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