Broken Soul Heated Mind

She ignored everyone but Slay. The male had stopped her and spoke to her like she was a living breathing person, not like she had killed someone. Part of her was thankful that one person had come from the pack and spoke kindly to her, it was welcomed even if she didn't deserve it. Hell she was done thinking there was something wrong with her because she wouldn't kiss the three asses that were so done with her. Svara had made it a personal rule not to kiss an ass full of shit. The youths ears were flat on her skull as she listened to him, her eyes on the ground as she waited for him to say what he had intended.

It was what he gave to her that made her heart race as it was pressed into her hands. The red she wolf had never forgotten the soft brown pelt of the bear the almost killed her. A single tear slid from her good eye as she finally looked up at the male not sure how to thank him for this. Without thinking she had her arms wrapped around the males neck and hugged the almost stranger tightly, thanking him for the iteam she could now call hers.

Pulling back from the male she wipped her eyes and tried to give him a smile. T-thanks." She got out. Clutching the Bear skin Svara was about to leave when the smell and sound of Firefly rushed up. Turning her eye caught the women who came to stand by her and dump all of Svara's items at her feet. A joy filled sigh left the youths lips. She owed this women so much. Looking at the female she offered the bear skin to her, not being rude to Slay, but giving the bear skin to the person she had always wanted it to belong to. "Thank you firefly. This is yours, as a thank you for everything." She said with a deep hoarse voice. Leaning down she picked her things up and now with Firefly at her side felt a new strength, it was time to go. This time Svara did look over her shoulder, but her words were well thought. "See you in Hell." Then the red female left Dahlia De Mai, and there were no tears in her eyes.


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