Everything is backwards
http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/7228 ... bottom.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

The woman was fussing, the boy was fussing and neither of them indicated that they’d shut up soon. The two of them were giving him a headache. The woman and her silly threats, Lysander laughed sincerely at the idea of calling DaVinci. The man was a clown, just like every other being in this pack. But little Oliver was growing more frightened and uncomfortable as the moments passed so Lysander strode over to the women and knocked her out of the way, kneeling down to open up the floorboard that revealed Emwe squirming inside.

Holding the child close to his chest, Lysander looked over the boy’s head at the women, knowing she couldn’t snatch him just right out of his arms. Conor was gone, he did not want to give up Emwe. Firefly would one day come back for them, but the idea of just leaving these lands with the boy was still floating about. His voice softened, became genuinely warm and comforting towards the boy. “Oliver, my little sir, do ya know this women? She wants ya to go with her.” His eyes went back up to the Dahlia female and he glowered.


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