i just want you close
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How had he been? Needless to say, mechanisms in his mind had clicked and twisted to no end as of late; the rusted screws that had once held him together so firmly were now beginning to loosen and break apart. There were changes dwindling within that he could not come to appreciate in himself. He was an unwilling parent, all of a sudden. He'd had intoxicated sex with a bright-eyed stranger and could hardly remember any of it all, other than pleasure that had so quickly swept into bitterness and the choking feeling that he'd given himself away. Jefferson had his walls to maintain. When he spoke with Geneva, his defenses wavered and struggled... and now, it had even been weeks since he'd seen her, either.

On top of it all, though, his pack wasn't on good terms with Inferni. Perhaps Ryan wasn't aware of their current distaste with one another since Gabriel's abrupt and unnecessary visit, but she meant no harm. She was not here to kill DaVinci, as Gabriel might have been, but needless to say, all the attention that his silver-furred subleader was getting lately was something the one-eyed leader could be uncomfortable about. "Alive," was all he could mutter. When they'd met the first time, he'd been in good spirits; with the load on his mind today, however, his words were much more... burdened. His green eye affixed on her, mildly quizzical and almost suspicious. "Our... packs aren't agreeing right now," he said slowly. "You know it's not safe to be here." He sighed, though, as if an unsaid forgiveness and dismissal of the concept passed between them. "Gabriel wouldn't be happy to know you came to see DaVinci." Jefferson didn't want to see her hurt. That, and he didn't want the fiery Aquila on his lands again.


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