Alone amidst the waves
Firefly almost felt like she was getting some sort of workout the way she had to turn back and forth to look at who was talking and to make certain she knew what was going on. She knew that she should have just stared off into the sea and listened to them all chatter away but even though her temper was short she felt like she'd really let go of a lot of things that were keeping her tied down when she'd been thrown from her old packlands. It had all been a laughing joke and though she missed her children so the life of a loner wasn't anything they needed to be subject to right now.

She'd flicked her eyes to the the forms of Haven and Ruri as Haven apologized for how she'd snapped at him. She just shook her head at his words and smirked. "DaVi's my brother.." she said as she studied the male. She wasn't for sure if she knew him but he did remind her of someone she'd met once, someone she probably wouldn't like to meet again. She closed her eyes and tried to rid the memories from her mind as she exhaled slowly. "Anyways.." she murmured as she turned her attention to the woman who was speaking up finally after the shock of it all.

The lady had tried to confirm her name and Firefly caught herself before she nodded in confirmation. The woman went on to say how she knew Firefly and the young girl's ears pinned back in confusion. She had no clue who the stranger was and was about to say so until the lady mad everything a little bit clearer. A little too clear. She couldn't helpp but laugh out loud as the name brought the whole thing into focus. Jacquez?" she said as she tried to catch her breath. "Jac was aboard ship when DaVinci and I sailed.." She flicked her eyes back to Haven and smiled. "Jac managed to convince DaVinci to stay.." She had been so angry at their pirate friend when DaVinci decided to remain out to sea when he'd ushered her and Magdalena back to the lands they'd been born.

She shook her head and sighed. "Was Jac.. onboard too?" she asked as the woman informed her of a rough guess of the number of folks onboard the ship. She wondered if any of them had been thrown onshore close by or if the current had carried them further down the coast. She glanced out towards the now calm ocean as she said softly. "We'll find them.." She did so hope that they would, she'd missed Jac and hi antics.

She was quiet a moment as she watched Svara shuffle in and start attending to wounds. When she snapped at Haven she flicked one ear back and offered him an apologetic smile. "She means well.." she said as she rolled her eyes at the blind yearling. "Sometimes she forgets that she's in public though.." she said sarcastically as she watched them tending to Ruri, who obviously knew a lot more about her than she probably hoped.

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