She wants to be like the water


secretly falling apart

She wasn't sure how to act, being around a leader, especially the one that had denied her mother entrance into the clan. She could understand now, though, a little better than she had before...her mother had looked like a wolf. And her mother wasn't a part of the family, like Empusa believed herself to be. Gabriel didn't exactly look like a coyote, but he was the leader. No one would question him.

The youngster stretched out on the snow on her stomach nearby, her legs straight out behind her, watching. What a strange coyote Gabriel was. She didn't know a lot about him, and she doubted that he wanted to know anything about she wasn't sure what to say now. "Now you live with Faolin, yes?--why did you decide to live with her?" Faolin had been the one to take her in, and Empusa often slept beside her or in the same room as her. Occasionally she would sleep in other places, but she always felt more comfortable with the matron there next to her.


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