Wish I was a Wild West Hero

Looking at the expansive damage the avalanche had wreaked on their lands, Pilot could feel the pulse of his heart in his throat. It was amazing how snow could be so powerful as to steal this area away from the wolves, as well as the rest of the wildlife. There was no exact time frame for how long this devastation would remain, but Pilot looked forward to the spring in hopes the snow would be melt away. Until then, the pack’s terrain had been reduced, but surprisingly Pilot felt as if the morale had increased. Perhaps it was the personal connections that were strengthening due to their large shared den. Or perhaps it was the reassurance that no one had fatally fallen victim to the avalanche’s terror.

With Phoenix’s words, Pilot’s gaze remained steady. However, his attention was fully on his father in law. He spoke colloquial, but Pilot could tell there was something more on his mind. He hadn’t called him here merely for chit chat. It was something deeper. "I imagine it’s complex. I’m not sure if I could ever do it as well as you have. I’ve still got a lot to learn." He finally turned his gaze towards Phoenix, trying to read his expression. "You’re a good leader, Phoenix. I know it isn’t easy, but you’ve done this pack well."


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