http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... eenban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
yay! for once i dont have to use a translator xP

It was a bad idea for the lady to let herself stray so close to the bastard borders. Sabeen felt no desire to be in the aura of her ex pack, but had merely been passing through as quickly as she could outside the borders when a familiar language had hit her ears. German, her mother tongue. She had seldom come across any who knew it, and the desire to have an intelligent conversation drove her to the source. Much to her disappointment, it was not any she could converse with. It was a child of Dahlia, not one of Firefly's sons from the scent, but a little black girl. The inane, hyperactive thing was messing around in the mud. Sab looked away, considering leaving, but an idea struck her.

She had no desire to be around the pup and no ill-will towards it, but perhaps she could somehow use the child to her advantage? Maybe turn her against Dahlia, even. The young were so very susceptible. Keeping her posture wary, constantly looking out for a white or copper toned figure, she allowed herself to drift slightly closer to the border. She would not cross it, but she could still speak to the whelp from her distance.
'Hello, little one.' Her voice was rough, but not mean as it usually was. German was always so prettier than English to her ears.
'Are you having fun?'


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