out to sea
Pendzez started to paddle the boat towards the islands again. Doing the Italian way was tiring. How did they used to cope with this job? Seeing something move, he turned to find that DaVinci was sailing past, waving at him in a teasing way. He just watched him go by without saying or moving a muscle. When Da had his back, he said under his breath, "Son of a..." He stopped there. He didn't say anything else. He didn't want to be disrespectful. He just remained silent and started to approach the islands.

Coming onto the dock, he put the paddle down and picked up an odd long sack that looked like it held pipes. He strapped it onto his back and picked up the stringed fish and his sack of equipment. He stepped onto the dock and began to walk to the beach area where DaVinci was.

He approached him carefully, gripping onto his supplies. With his cloth that covered what looked like pipes, he made sure it was secured around his chest. "So, where we gonna set up camp?"

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