Wish I was a Wild West Hero

Before Phoenix replied to Pilot, the starch white wolf had thoughts of his own filling his conscious. He was thinking mostly about first coming to Storm and his first impressions of those with authority. Gibraltar, mostly, who at the time was the leader. Pilot had been so amazed with the dignity that the old alpha had and instantly knew he was going to love the pack life. However, now that he was older, he knew that there was more to leadership than just the glory. He had just never experienced it for himself.

He listened inventively to what Phoenix had to say, making sure he heard everything. The offer was quite substantial and he agreed with Phoenix’s advice – he was going to need a minute to piece together his thoughts before he said anything. Almost instantly, his thoughts went to Dierdre. He knew that Phoenix struggled with finding time for his own family. Would Pilot also face this same challenge? They were, after all, becoming closer and thoughts of family loomed over their heads. Secondly, Pilot thought about the responsibilities a position like that would entail. Pack relations and helping to organize the pack were just two of the jobs. He knew there would be handfuls more to come when and if he ever accepted such a position. But was Pilot really cut out for it? After all, he wasn’t a conventionally raised wolf.

"I… I don’t know what to say, Phoenix, to be honest. I’ve never really thought of that being a possibility for me. Of course, I’ve always wanted what’s best for Storm and Gamma certainly is an enticing offer, but," he paused, trying to hide the dismay he felt from the rather surprising subject of their meeting. "Do you think I’m even cut out for the job? I mean, aside from being Altester now, I’ve never had much leadership experience." At least, nothing that had an official title.


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