Alone amidst the waves
Firefly waited, listening to the woman speaking as she confirmed what Firefly feared. She knew that Jac was as close to the sea as one could possibly be and that he was probably somewhere lost on down the coast, but the tiny feeling of uneasy at knowing that a friend had been so close and yet disaster had pulled them just out of reach at the last moment. She shook her head slightly and rubbed her hand over her face before quickly pulling it back over her mane as she stared out to sea.

She didn't take much notice of Haven and Svara's little lack of exchange as she listened partly to the words of Haven as he was trying to explain just how he knew her brother. If it had been any other moment in time she would have probably realized that he wasn't exactly telling her the whole truth, but instead she just nodded and agreed with the pumpkin hued male. She had been about to make some silly little reply when Ruri spoke again, seemingly amazed at the generosity of the wolves in these lands.

Her eyes turned back to the blind girl as she smiled, it was a little bit of a bitter grin upon her lips but it was something atleast. Svara and Haven were once more forgotten as she said softly. "Just be lucky you met us with us on a good day.." She normally wasn't a complete bitch unless someone else ticked her off or she was in a mood to play but with all the recent changes in her life she'd sunken back into a more reserved tone of her life. She was tending to emotional wounds that she knew would take time to heal, just as the wounds of the woman before her would need time as well.

She was thinking these thoughts as Svara's dry humor seemed to crack into her mind, echoing and bouncing around inside her skull as she wrinkled her nose at the woman's words and shook her head. "Yes, I can and will always find time to let my lovely tones linger in your ear my dear." she said, the words slightly taunting but within a moment of Svara tending to her own pains the jest was put aside as the real issue came out. She sighed at Svara's words and turned her eyes back to the girl with a lingering look of annoyance, the tone of her voice giving hint to the look that Svara might not catch. "No, I figured we'd leave her here to die." She shook her head slightly and smirked. "Of course we're gonna take her back to the house, if she wants to come with us that is.." She said as she glanced back to Ruri, wondering how the woman felt to be left out of the conversation for the most. "Besides, it would be easier to find her if Jac shows up. I'm sure they'd both want to know the other was fine." she said softly, wondering just what her old friend had been up to all these moons.

She'd nearly forgotten about Haven until she let her eyes roam the beach, noticing that he was turning to go. She sighed, realizing that Svara's snappy tone and sharp words must really be getting to him. She murmured lowly to Svara a moment, "You really need to let off the poor boy you know.." She knew that Svara's ways were probably never going to change but she felt sorry for Haven for a moment in time, she knew what it had felt like to be the outcast in a group when you were use to being know and loved. "Haven, where are you going?" she asked louder, hoping that the boy wasn't going to run off now that Ruri was in the hands of others.

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