one is the loneliest number
Sankor wasn't as sure as Slay seemed about how his siblings felt for him. He grinned at the other male and asked. "Do you have sisters?" He didn't know if the male did, but if he'd been stuck as the only male in the litter and he stopped to think about it he'd understand that life with sisters was a little tougher than it seemed. He shook his head and smiled, "Living with them atleast brought me to a point where I can use my acquired talents to good use here.." He was a very outgoing male, teasing and flirting with others, but he did know how to listen, that was one thing he could do well.

Sankor sat quietly as Slay told his story of his shifting catastrophe and why he didn't attempt it again. He was rather impressed with it all and frightened at the same time. He knew of the different forms but he'd never really watched anyone shift or had seen the different forms. Or if he had seen someone in this between form he just hadn't realized it. He frowned slightly at the whole thought and sighed. "I can't shift, at all. I'm stuck on all fours forever." he said, though he knew it didn't have to be forever but he wasn't certain if he wanted to take that plunge and go that far. The other members of the pack didn't pick at the whole subject too much so it didn't bother him unless he thought about what he might just be missing.

He grinned stupidly at Slay as he turned towards the conversation of children once more and his issues with the language barrier. He didn't know much about different languages though he'd learned a bit here and there in his travels it hadn't stuck to him to learn the rest outside a phrase here and a nasty word or two. He smirked as he suggested. "There's always the human city.. if you were that desperate I'm sure you could find books on it.." He shrugged as he rambled on. "Not that that's much help if you can't read though.." like he couldn't. Sankor was beginning to realize there was a lot he didn't know or couldn't do.

He let out a large jaw cracking yawn as Slay went on into the versus of one's own litter or an adopted clan. He grinned at the other male as she shook some of the sleep out of his system. "Well, I'm lucky enough not to have to worry about either, though I can't say the same for you." He chuckled and shook his head as he gave the male a sorry look. "Hopefully that's not going to change anytime for me either." He really hoped that he wasn't jinxing himself now.

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