sweet little Words of Therapy
-ooc- Anu looks the tease in that new avatar...


Though the male was a terrible flirt and a charming fellow the woman (and few males) that he teased and made such savvy remarks to would probably find it hilarious that Sankor was still a virgin. A Charmer he might be but it was never enough to keep the attention for more than a conversation. Perhaps he just had the rotten luck of chasing after the wrong smiles. Whatever the reason for why he was still single, there was still that problem. Sankor was a lonely stray though he lived a sunny nature deep down he still wondered what was out there for him.

A light smile stayed on his lips as Anu teased him of rumors and gossip about the pack. Sankor knew that there indeed had been quite a bit of trouble between members and even with members of other packs but he tended to keep away from the drama unless the drama came to him. He was a pathetic sort of therapist for though he knew that there was trouble in the minds and hearts of his packmates he didn't go poking and prying for the answers to their problems.. he waited, knowing sooner or later they would come to him if they really cared. "Well, not coming to find out the truth would probably stale your opinions as well.." he said, wondering when she was going to ask away about the rumors and news she'd picked up along the way. Not that he was one for spreading gossip, but it was good to know what the rest of the world thought of your family.

When she spoke of his virtue and believing in rumors Sankor raised a brow at the lady as he gave her a look of disbelief. "Now, do you think I really believe what I hear?" He let a smile flace once more as he stated simply. "I find out for myself." His tone slightly cocky and arrogant the male was proud of his silly little games he played and the information he teased from his 'victims'. No harm ever came out of them and though he knew half the time the information was false it was still something to pass the time. He almost couldn't believe the fact that he'd found another willing to exchange banter and joke so openly as she gave him the simple answer to what she did when situations got tough. I believe that's the understatement of the year ma'am." He chuckled as they moved along deeper into the packlands.

"I do believe you could possibly be a spy you know.." he joked, as he realized that as they spoke their pacings had infact brought them deep into the packlands and she'd had him so distracted he hadn't really noticed or thought about it. Not that he thought that she would bring any harm to his packmates or himself but she was a crafty little thing! He smirked at her as she mentioned how he should come check out the lands and see how they'd changed. He glanced towards the sky for a second as though he was seriously thinking about it as he suggested. "I might have to follow you home then.." He was a wicked little thing, though he didn't think he'd actually follow her home, atleast.. not today.

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