one is the loneliest number

Slaying the Dreamer ... ayeyes.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
words: 415

Sankor's unflagging smile seemed to unlock a lot of the things Slay kept hidden beneath his easy-going exterior. He hadn't told anyone about his shifting misadventure before, and he hadn't spoken much about family, either. Purposely or not, the pack Psychologist was very talented at getting others to open up to him. "Sisters? No. Well... not really. Kind of?" He grinned helplessly, knowing he would have to elaborate on that confusing response. "I was an only child, but since there weren't many pups in the pack, I was raised alongside my cousin... so she was like a sister to me. I had to leave her when I ran away from home, but she was always more rebellious than me; I'm sure she found her way out, too." Their mothers had been twin sisters; if not for Slay's throwback markings, they would be identical. Not that it meant much; their tribe was so inbred that they all looked like each other, either all white or all black, with the same pale eyes... Had he grown up to be the alpha, his cousin would have become his mate. Such a twisted life.

His friend grew quiet on the topic of shifting, and Slay was reminded of a conversation he had had some months ago with his friend, Mew. He too had been self-conscious about being the only one on all fours, surrounded by werewolves, but she had assured him that no one found it odd. It was merely a personal preference, she had explained that sunny afternoon by the seaside. "It's... really just your choice. And it's not forever, as I understand it," he added pensively, studying the frowning Koios male. "You could ask your sisters to join them... they could perform a blood pact." It was a simple enough ceremony - two shallow cuts, let the blood mingle, and then the ability would be shared. Any werewolf could offer him that. If it meant that much to him...

Slay felt another slow yawn coming on, after watching Sankor do the same. Sleepiness was contagious. "Can't read," he admitted lazily. Mew had spoken about trying to teach him once, but it was another option he had not chosen to pursue. "And we'll see about that, mate. I could give you a kid or two, you could see how you like it. Might attract the ladies...!" Slay let his tongue loll playfully from his jaws, a goofy canine grin pasted across his muzzle. Whatever will be, will be!

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier


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