Alone amidst the waves

Svara wasn't all to impressed by the situation. A blind girl, here after a shipwreck with a male that firefly seemed to know. The boy was covered in the scent of rum, and pitifully weak. Giving out a rough sigh she was sure the girl was done externally, of course she knew the female wouldn't like it when the red she wolf purged her stomach of the salty liquid she had swallowed. To much sea water could shut the kidneys down, and cause ulcers in the stomach wall. Some part of her work gave her joy, and that was one of the parts that gave her joy.

Grinning at Firefly Svara continued to lean on her staff arrogantly. The two had come to the conclusion that the blind she wolf would be coming back to the cabin. Svara didn't say anything to that, hoping that Leroy would find other places for them to have sex, cause the cabin was growing crowded for that. It was the change of topic that made Svara sigh deeply. She hadn't really wanted to chase the little dope head off, but if he was so pitiful that he couldn't stand up to a blind she wolf of only 11 months then he had more then her to worry about.

Bug off firefly, I've treated him no different then every one else." The she wolf said with her husky voice. Snorting her eyes narrowed she could see the blurred figure of the retreating male. "Only a coward runs from threatening words." Said the red she wolf as she grabbed her basket. "I don't have time for this. Pip squweek here needs to get back to the cabin so we can get that water out of her stomach.......unless you want me to do it right here." Svara said noncholontly.


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