Wish I was a Wild West Hero
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Phoenix followed Pilot a few steps but gave him his space as he thought. He didn’t want to rush Pilot into a decision that he would regret later. He had planned to give Pilot a few days to think it over but every time he opened his maw to say it the words would not come. Was he being selfish? Perhaps he was being overly dramatic. Many of wolves had handled this job competently enough, and they were no more special than he. He wasn’t exactly miserable, but the responsibilities of leadership did weigh down heavily on his shoulders. He’d had many sleepless nights over this concern or that one. But then, hadn’t they (most of the time) worked out in the end?

Time seemed to freeze over as the lands around them while Phoenix waited for Pilot’s reply. He tried to act stoic, nonchalant, forcing his gave to wander the lands around them as if the last thing on his mind was the answer he waited for. But even the mists of their breaths seemed to hang unnaturally long in the air. When he would look back on this day, Phoenix for the life of him would not be able to recall what went through his head while he waited. It was like he was in suspended animation, awaiting Pilot to awaken him.

Finally the answer came, and a smile crossed Phoenix’s lips, not unlike the awkward smile Gibraltar had given him after he’d fatefully said yes. With the need for distance no longer required, Phoenix took a seat beside Pilot and wrapped an arm around his brother, his son-in-law, his best friend and second in command. The long sank into the snow under his weight some but still supported them above it. “I know I tend t’ worry too much,” he offered, “An’ you ain’t like that. So mebbe you’ll take to this job better’n me. An’ y’know somethin’ else?” he drew closer, as if a great revelation had suddenly occurred to him. Nevertheless a bit of a smirk formed across his muzzle as he spoke. “You’re pro’lly gonna be remembered for decades t’come, as th’first squirrel to lead a pack of wolves!”

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