out to sea
DaVinci stared off into the meadow as the boy finally came up with an answer to his question, when the words met DaVinci's ears he just grunted and shook his head. Sometimes he was lead to believe that his packmates were even more paranoid that he was sometimes. He glanced over at the younger male and asked. "Do you really honestly think everyone's gonna try and steal it?" He ran his hand through his hair and shot back to the boy. "Maybe you should just use them for what they were meant for, or teach someone else how to use them.. something useful.." he said as he plucked a tall shaft of grass and stuck it between his teeth as they moved on.

He paused in step to the mansion as he eyed the large building. He doubted that there was any wolves on the island who were living there but it didn't hurt to scope the place out before crashing there for the night. It wouldn't suit to wake up around midnight with a stranger looming over your form screaming and shouting like a loon. He rolled the piece of grass around on his tongue as he hummed. "We'll have to make certain no one else lives there first.." he said, reminding Pendzez that they might not be alone on the island.

Pushing open the door when they finally reached their destination DaVinci was rewarded with a loud groan and creak before the sun filtered through the door and through the millions of motes of dust the lingered everywhere. Shaking his head to clear the heavy air from his nose he cleared his throat and stepped inside. "Kindof creepy.." he stated as they entered the first large room, everything covered in white sheets with layers of dust coating the whole world they'd stepped into.

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