sweet little Words of Therapy
Sankor wasn't blind to the tradgety that was the pack he belonged to. He was just good at cleaning up after the wicked deeds and soothing the hurt and pain that followed. It was his duty to keep the pack's dirty laundry cleaned out and aired fresh, no rumors and horrible stories would fall from his lips. While others might pretend to be blind, he just chose not to bring the subjects to light unless it was being discussed between him and another packmate. He offered the lady a flash of a smile as they approached the vineyards that were beginning to lay out silvery mint leaves and new vines. "Bet there's nothing like this in your lands.." he teased as he slowed to a smooth stroll between the rows of grapevines.

When the words of Anu reached his ears he stopped for a moment and glanced over to the woman for a second before shaking his head. He'd heard bad things too, he'd heard bad thing from within his pack, about other packs, about the clan of coyotes and even a rumored tribe of wolves from afar, but he never pondered the things he heard for long. He tried to tease out the problems the evils and sicknesses had caused and right things once more. His eyes glanced away from Anu a second as he spoke up. "Everyone has a few skeletons in the closet." he answered. He didn't want to frighten the woman but it was true. Everyone had their secrets, sometimes they stayed buried forever, sometimes one slipped up and they became the evening news. It seemed that their pack just wasn't so lucky on not getting caught.

In a flash though it seemed that the conversation turned back to a lighter draw as a smile crept back onto his lips at the words that Anu teased him with. He raised a brow and gave her a look of disbelief as he picked up the pace ones more, slowly traveling the vineyards as he spoke. "I can hardly contain myself, what sinful nature rests behind those pretty blues?" he asked.. and yet it seemed that he wasn't quick enough for almost out of nowhere she changed from their slow waltz to a fast and furious pace as he laughed and chased after the girl. "I can do that!" he promised as he raced after her.

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