one is the loneliest number
Sankor nodded silently in agreement to Slay's words as he too thought on the pack's troubles. He shook his head as he realized that Ade fit in more here in the pack that he ever would. He offered Slay a lopsided grin as he joked. "I guess I've got to be the sane on then..." Someone had to hold them all together and he seemed to be the one stuck with the job. He wasn't sure just what he thought of that but it was the hand he'd been dealt.

He really didn't know what to say when their conversation turned to the darker bitter subject of his predicament with just being a regular old wolf while everyone else was able to trampse around on two legs. He didn't want to have to tell Slay that he misunderstood the whole thing and that Ade wouldn't have wanted him to shift just because she couldn't anymore. He wished that he could find the courage to be able to ask another to held aide him in the process without his siblings knowing. It was too much to even think about now so he just let it all silently pass him by.

Instead he watched as Slay made a show of stretching and loosening himself up while Sankor just sat by idly. He smirked as the other male went on a rant about the strange things that the Luperci did and how he wanted nothing to do with it. He just shook his head and said sortof dreamily. "Maybe you just haven't given it a try yet.. Perhaps if I ever shift we can go see what all the fuss is about.. and if it's all talk then atleast we'll know." He didn't want to believe that the other male just refused to try the new things but he'd known many that had a dislike for the human world and the way things ran. He wouldn't push the male but he could always offer, it wasn't like he was going to learn to shift anytime soon anyways.

When the laughter came Sankor straightened his shoulders and gave a soft chuckle at the teasing words that Slay threw at him. He knew that he was indeed a lady's man, but on the softer side he was a gentleman as well. He'd never taken his teasing and flirting to far and had always left the girls just as they'd met him, with of course a head full of compliments and a fluttering heart from the language of love he flaunted so well. Snorting at the question he was thrown Sankor just shook his head. "No, I'm not going down that road again.. I'm just the shoulder everyone cries on. No one looks at me as anything past that." or so he though. He'd never considered that any of the girls might have taken his flirting to the heart, but if they did they harbored their feelings alone and never tossed him a sniff of their desires. Not that he'd know what to do with them if they did. He just shook his head again but his thoughts did turn to a certain raven warrior as he fell silent for a second.

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