out to sea
Pendzez looked at the sack, then back to the Savant. For a leader, he should also know that there are some things that are personal. Pendzez created replicas not only for a disguise, but also for a way to practice, also to teach others how to with the use of his Icicle Shard. Pendzez, maybe, could teach the sub-leader. "Well, who said I won't? Maybe you could do with a lesson about the use of a spear. What do ya think?" Pendzez looked out to the meadow before looking back to Da, waiting for his reply.

Pendzez looked at the mansion. The building stood on firm ground, a good foundation. However, being on a remote island, who would be living here? Maybe some deranged wolf that claims whatever he gets his hands on. Wouldn't that be a weird sight, seeing things that are claimed. Strange things. "Hopefully not. I don't know who would want to live on a remote island. Odd and strange wolves probably."

The white wolf followed the Savant into the building. Dust started to gather about around the doorway, tickling the boy's nose, inducing a sneeze from his nostrils. Wiping his maw with his arm, he looked around the house. "Dust" Pendzez looked at the Savant as he commented about the inside of the mansion. Pendzez didn't agrre. "I've seen creepier. I know your sister was."

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